Key Events within German Reformation Flashcards
What was the importance of the Imperial Diet meeting in Augsburg in 1518?
Cardinal Cajetan sent to reconcile Luther to the Church and if failed, arrest him.
Frederick of Saxony acted as Luther’s protector, safe conduct provided.
Development of Luther’s rejection of Pope’s authority.
What was importance of the 95 thesis in 1917?
Sola fide
Church alarmed because it was affecting people.
Debates raged, pamphlets were issued arguing both sides.
What was the importance of the Leipzig Debate in 1519?
Sola fide, faith alone saves, Luther questioning Popes authority.
“You’re like Jan Hus” “too right I am, da Pope is crap yo!”
Public debate on Luther’s teaching
18 days
Papal Bull of excommunication, 1521, was finalised.
What happened in 1519 that was crucial to Lutheranism?
Charles V was elected to be the Holy Roman Emporer
What was important about the Diet of Worms in 1521?
Charles V gave Luther a hearing, offering safe travel to and from Worms.
Asked if he would take back statements, Luther refused
Was declared an outlaw through Edict if Worms
What happened after the Edict of Worms was passed that helped Lither develop his beliefs?
He was kidnapped and stayed in Wartburg Castle for 10 years.
Spent time writing New Testament in German, writing and producing pamphlets banned by Edict of Words.
During this time, radicalism increased in Wittenburg. (Iconoclastic fury)