Kerala (Developing Country Study) Flashcards
What does the term ‘subsistence farming’ mean?
Farmers only grow food for their families.
What are the farms in Kerala like?
Very intensive- they are small (3 hectares) but every hectare of rice needs 2000 hours of work every year. Fields are separate, narrow strips of land. The whole family is involved as there are few other jobs.
Why do the farms require so much manual work?
Farmers are able to have two harvests each year and only have low-tech equipment because they cannot afford to upgrade.
What is the economy like in Kerala?
Very subsistent- some crops are sold after a good harvest.
What is the livestock like in Kerala?
Animals are used for their power. Bullocks, buffalo, and goats are used for meat and milk, and cows are used for milk also.
What is the farming equipment like in Kerala?
Low-tech, e.g- handmade tools wooden ploughs and manure for fertiliser.
What is the woodland like in Kerala?
There are many tree crops in farming areas as well as much woodland in hills.
What are the settlements like in Kerala?
There are many small villages and a high population density.
What is the water supply like in Kerala?
Channels are dug from rivers to fields in the rainy season. There are also wells.
What is the climate like in Kerala?
It is usually very hot with temperatures always staying 25 degrees and above. The highest rainfall is in Summer reaching it’s peak in July at 1000mm.
How is the soil on these farms kept fertile?
By using natural products.
Why are the hillsides on these farms terraced?
To maximise the amount of space available for crops.
How is the economy in Kerala changing?
Life is becoming more commercialised with farmers growing cash crops such as flowers and vegetables.
How are farms in Kerala changing?
The average farm size is now 2 hectares with the maximum size being 10 hectares.
How are crops changing in Kerala?
There is less rice, fewer cashew nut trees, more rubber coconut, jatropha and banana trees and flowers.
How is the livestock in Kerala changing?
There is fewer draught animals as well as fewer cattle and goats.
How is the equipment in Kerala changing?
Farms are getting some machinery, as well as greenhouses (polytunnels) and agrochemicals.
How is the labour on farms in Kerala changing?
The wages are much higher and there is more work in towns and fewer on farms.
How is the woodland changing?
Deforestation in hills.
How are settlements changing?
Settlements are larger and there are some new houses in the countryside.
How is the environment changing?
Soil erosion in the hills means poorer soil. There is also more pollution from quarries as well as water pollution from chemicals.
How has large-scale irrigation improved farming in Kerala?
Putting dams across rivers creates reservoirs which give a reliable water supply all year. Farmers can now grow many crops and can have two or three harvests per year.
How have greenhouses improved farming in Kerala?
Theses are mostly polythene tunnels. They allow the farmer to control the climate so plants can grow at any time. They also allow more types of plants to grow and farmers can have many harvests per year.
How have agro-chemicals improved farming in Kerala?
Artificial fertilisers help crops to grow better and pesticides, fungicides and other chemicals kill pests and diseases. Crops then produce higher yields but more and more chemicals need to be applied to make the soil fertile again.
How have biogas plants improved farming in Kerala?
Biogas plants help convert animal manure and human sewage into gas which is then used for heating and lighting in the home. They are cheap to buy.
What is diversification?
When farms change from the old traditional ways to new ways of farming.
Why have farmers started commercial farming?
Possibly the most useful farming development has been the increase in properly surfaced roads throughout Kerala. This has allowed farmers to sell their produce.
Why are more high-priced crops grown?
There are more hotels needing them as well as more people in Kerala with the money to buy food. There are also more greenhouses available in which to grow them.
Why is less rice grown now?
It is too costly to grow because it needs extra casual labour and wages are much higher now. Also needs more and more chemicals to grow well. If farmers sell the rice the price is too low because so much cheap rice is imported such as subsidised rice from the USA.
Why is less organic farming taking place?
More agrochemicals are now available and more farmers have money to buy them.