Karius Neurophysiology of Emotion Flashcards
The limbbic system controls what?
- emotional behavior: not just the experience of an emotion but what you do with it
- motivational drives: sex, eat, achieve things
Hypothalamus is part of the…
why is it important?
what does it link?
- emotional aspect of limbic system
- enables us to interpret emotional experience
- links the physiological experience to the emotions (connection to ANS)
Olfactory areas are important in emotion, why?
- olfaction and emotion are strongly linked
- parts of the limbic system deal with linking olfaction to emotion
Thalamus relates to the limbic system how?
-inputs/outputs relaying things onward
Basal ganglia, particularly nuclear accumbens plays a role in?
Putamen plays a role in what emotion?
Hippocampus plays a role in?
-memory/learning linked to emotions.
hard to remember drone lectures but we remember what upsets us
Amygdala deals with?
and has a role in?
- anger and fear
- has a role in learning and memory
Cingulate cortex is made of what?
important feature is?
-mostly paleocortex
-many of the neurons show after discharge
ie replaying an event in our heads and getting angry all over again and staying angry afterwards
Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness are all controlled by ________ neural substrates that are then integrated by other parts of the limbic system and interpreted as emotion
important point why?:
it appears that the neural circuits for recognizing emotion in others are also involved in producing that emotion in ourselves
-someone that cant recognize this in another person cant recognize it in themselves
what is the mirror neuron system?
whats its use?
- neurons fire both when you do something (smile) and when you ses someone else do that same action
- useful in imitation learning
describe 2 kinds of fear:
- Innate
- Learned
- innate (unconditioned) requiring no experience
- Learned (conditioned) from our life experiences
What helps us learn from fear?
whats the early response
Whats the late response pathway?
- amygdala
- early: direct thalamo-amygdaloid
- late: indirect thalamo-cortical-amygdaloid
Inputs into the lateral nuclear of the amygdala come from what two sources?
-thalamus and the cortex
The lateral nucleus of the amygdala does what?
- links input to emotional response
ie. pairing sound to electrical shock causing us to experience fear with future identical sounds
The lateral nucleus sends paired information to what?
-central part of amygdala
The amygdala send final paired information to the
-hypothalamus in orde to produce the physiological responses
What if a person has damage to the amygdala?
-fear is not perceived, therefore conditioning related to fear does not occur
Sadness involves what?
-lower sector of anterior cingulate cortex
ie that area lights up when remembering sad events
Punishment and avoidance is found in what 3 places?
- lateral posterior hypothalamus
- dorsal midbrain
- entorhinal cortex
what is the purpose and benefit of the punishment/avoidance centers?
long term?
short term?
- designed to oppose the occurrence of a behavior
- long term: negative consequences
- short term: neutral/positive consequences
Gambling is an example of what?
short term: having fun and riding a hot streak gaining more money
long term: eventually losing all of our money and refusing to return to the casino
The insular Cortex/Putamen process and recognize what?
-social cues related to disgust
Damage to the insular Cortex/Putamen does what?
-abolishes the ability to recognize/experience disgust
Huntingtons Disease does what?
What appears first?
- damages the Insular cortex/Putamen
- that sign appears before the other symptoms
Anger and rage involve the what?
What are the receptors?
- Amygdala
- requires dopaminergic input acting at D2 receptors
Going out and getting into bar fights could be a drugs side effect of?
-blocking dopaminergic D2 receptors inhibiting their ability to recognize/experience anger/rage
What receptors are required to see/experience anger and rage?
D2 receptors
Neocortex, Ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei, and Septal nuclei are all required to?
-inhibit anger/rage
The Anterior Cingulate Cortex has what two parts?
ventral-affective region
dorsal-cognitive region
The Anterior Cingulate Cortex does what?
-does not decide what to do but relays this information to the Pre-Frontal Cortex
The-Pre Frontal Cortex has two divisions and does what?
-ventromedial: reward processing. I was gambling and I won.
our gut feeling is found here as well as delayed gratification, ie dont beat up boss and feel better doing something else later