Kapitel 4 Flashcards
The ___________ switches should be set at _______ prior to starting or stopping the aircraft engine.
The intercom system is switched ON whenever the ________ is ____
Function selector switches
Battery switch is ON
If receivers, not selected on the audio panel, are set inadvertently at high volume.
The volume of __________ should be as ________ or ________.
Non-active receivers
Low as possible
Turned OFF
Ved ANR malfunction
ANR C/B - Pull
Hvordan kan 121.500 Mhz vælges nemt på GPS’en?
Holde “Comm Transfer Button” i 2 sec
Hvornår må man kun bruge “guard channel frequency setting”?
When emergency conditions exist
Når OFF-MAIN-BOTH-ADF switch er i BOTH ved hvilke frekevenser kan der ske “degradation in the receiver performance” og hvordan kan dette undgåes?
- 50 Mhz
- 50 Mhz
- 25 Mhz
Set “MAIN”
Hvad skal man være opmærksom på når MAIN er valgt?
Guard frequency is not monitored
Hvad står AIMS for?
Air traffic control radar beacon
Identification friend or foe
Military equipment
Special systems
Hvad skal man gøre ved IFF transponder noice i intercom?
Antenna Select switch: Bottom
Ved hvilken RPM kan LOC og GS oscillate?
Hvis mere end 2500 RPM bruges under ILS approach