kap 5- VFR Flashcards
What are the procedures for departure information and engine starting procedures where there is no ATIS og D-ATIS?
A pilot should ask for current aerodrome information before requesting start up.
Engine start requests are normally made to facilitate ATC planning and to avoid excessive fuel wastage by aircraft delayed on the ground. (should also include location of aircraft, and receipt of the ATIS broadcast [ATC does not give dep info if pilot states the receipt])
What is normally the clearance limit for taxi instructions?
The holding point close to the runway
When are pilots usually transferred to TWR from the GND frequency?
When approaching the holding point at by the runway.
Usually ATC shall not transmit to aircrafts during take-off or early stages of climb. What is an exception from this rule?
What is the standard pattern direction?
Left-hand, right-hand needs to be specified
What are the parts of a pattern?
Upwind = straight out after takeoff
Crosswind = 90 degree turn from upwind
Downwind = 90 degree turn from upwind (opposite of TO direction)
Base = 90 degree turn towards final
Final = runway heading (same as heading for upwind)
What does an orbit in regards to a pattern mean?
Make a 360 degrees delaying turn, before reporting “orbit” or “360” completed then rejoining downwind leg.
When is a final report or a long final report typically made on a VFR arrival?
Final = within 7 km (4 NM) from touchdown
Long final = about 15 km (8 NM) from touchdown
What are the typically reporting positions in a visual circuit?
Downwind and final
What can be reasons for low passes?
Visual inspection of the undercarriage (e.g. gear malfunction)
What are the differences between a missed approach between an IFR-flight and a VFR-flight?
IFR: perform the missed approach procedure given on the “plate” of the designated aerodrome.
VFR: continue in the normal traffic circuit
What is essential aerodrome information?
Essential aerodrome information concerns the maneuvering area and its associated facilities is necessary to ensure the safe operation of aircraft. This information should be passed to aircraft whenever possible prior to start-up or taxi and prior to the commencement of final approach.
- construction work, on or nearby maneuvering area
- rough/broken surfaces on rwy or twy
- snow or ice on rwy or twy
- water on rwy
- snow banks in adjacent to rwy or twy
other temporary hazards
- failure or irregular ops of aerodrome lightning
- other pertinent info
What are the phrases used when a radar control service is being provided?
Heading information from the pilot, and heading instructions from ATC are given magnetic or true?
How is radar identification used?
Can be used by vectoring, position report information, requesting the aircraft to make turns, the use of bearing and distance information, and the use of SSR (secondary surveillance radar)