Kantian Deontology (Ethics) Flashcards
What is deontology?
A normative ethical moral theory that views moral value of an action lies within it’s dutiful motives. We have a duty to do what is right.
Explain acting in accordance with duty
Acting on desires which simply coincide with the right thing. It’s not moral
Explain acting out of duty
Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do.
What is the good will?
Someone holds good will if they intentionally act out of duty and is therefore being moral
What is a hypothetical imperative?
A proposition declaring a means to an end of another action which is individual based. Usually begins with the antecedent ‘If..’ and followed by ‘then..’. Kant says they are not moral and are conditional.
What is a categorical imperative?
Using practical reasoning, it’s a proposition requiring unconditional obedience that is not dependent on desires. They are universalised and set out rules we must do as a duty regardless of the consequences. There are no personal ends and it is moral.
What is Kant’s one real categorical imperative?
Act only in that accordance with that maxim that you wish to become a universal law
What is the first formulation of categorical imperatives?
Contradiction in conception:’Act only according to that maxim by which you could at the same time will it become a universal law.’
Contradiction in will: