Kaiser Wilhelm And The Difficulties Of Ruling Germany Flashcards
When was Germany formed?
When did Wilhelmina become Kaiser
What was Germany like by 1913 in terms of production?
By 1913, Germany was producing more iron and steel and as much coal as Britain
During the Kaisers reign how many people voted for the SPD?
1 in 3
When were a series of naval laws introduced?
Between 1898 and 1912
How many women gathered outside parliament buildings in 1915 and demanded their men back?
How many workers assembled in Berlin to shout ‘down with war down with the government!’ In 1916?
What did General Ludendorff advise the Kaiser in October 1918
To share some of his power
What happened on 28th October 1918?
The German navy was ordered out but they refused to follow orders and the news of their mutiny spread
When did the Kaiser abdicate?
9 November 1918
When did Germany surrender from the war?
11 November 1918
What happened on the 6 January 1919?
The spartacist uprising
How many members of the Free Corps did Ebert send to fight the spartacists
2000 after three days they had receptured buildings
When did Ebert hold an election and he became president?
January 1919
When did the newly politicians and president meet in Weimar to discuss how they would run Germany and when the Weimar Republic was made
11 February 1919
Between 1919 and 1933 how many political parties won a majority?
Who could vote in the elections during the Weimar Republic
All men and women over the age of 20
Name some instructions and orders that the Germans must follow due to the treaty of Versailles
£6.6 billion in reparations paid in instalments lasting till 1988
Germany should only have 100,000 soldiers, 6 battleships and no submarines or tanks or airforce
Germany must over colonies
Large areas of land used to create new countries for people such as Poland and Czechoslovakia
Germany should never unite with Austria again
No German soldiers should enter Rhineland and area of Germany next to frame
When did the Germans fail to pay the reparations
When did the French and Belgian soldiers invade the Ruhr
January 1923
How many French and Belgian soldiers invaded the Ruhr
How much did a lot of bread cost in 1918 compared to November 1923
1918 0.6 marks
November 1923. 201,000,000,000 marks
When was the Kapp Putsch?
March 1920
How many Free Corps did Wolfgang Kapp gather for the Kapp Putsch?
How many hours did it take for Wolfgang Kapp to give in?
100 hours
When was the Red Rising?
How many workers were killed during the Red Rising in the Ruhr?
How many political assassinations were there between 1919 and 1922?
Over 350
When was Matthias Erzberger shot dead, the man who signed the armistice?
August 1921
Under Hitler’s influence how many more members were there in 1920 compared to 1921
When was the Munich Putsch?
8 November 1923
How many people died in the Munich Putsch?
16 Nazis and 3 policemen
How long did Hitler’s trial last for due to the Munich Putsch?
24 days
He used it as an opportunity to spread ideas about the Nazi Party
When was Hitler released from prison
December 1924
When was the temporary retenmark replaced by the reichsmark?
Due to the Young Plan what were the reparations reduced to?
6.6 billion to 1.8 billion
When was the Locarno pact signed?
When did Germany join the League of Nations?
When did Germany sign the Kellogg Briand Pact
Between 1924 and 1929 how many attempts were there to overthrow the government
What do people now called the time in Germany in the 1920s
The ‘golden age’
When was the Wall Street crash?
October 1929
When was the communist revolution in Russia?
How many men were there in the SA in 1931 compared to 1932?
100,000 growing to 400,000 in 1932
When did hitler use an aeroplane to fly him to 20 cities in 7 days
By how much did unemployment grow after the depression?
It doubled
Why was hitler shocked after the 1930 election?
He was expecting to get 50 seats but he actually got 107 meaning he was the second largest party in the reichstag
When did bruning resigndue to unpopularity?
July 1932
What happened for the Nazis during the 1932 elections?
The nazis won 230 seats meaning they were the bigger party
When did Von Papen call a new election?
November 1932, Nazi votes fell but still the largest party
When was Hitler appointed chancellor?
30th January 1933
When did hitler arrange an election for?
March 1933
When was the reichstag burned down?
27 February 1933
What did hitler ask Hidenburg to do on 28 February 1933?
To pass a special emergency ‘protection law’ giving hitler the power to deal with Germany’s problem and due to the communists hidenburg agredd
What happened in march 1933 due to the ‘protection law’?
4000 communists thrown in prison
Communists banned from taking part in campaign
On 5 March the Nazis received more votes than ever before but still not the majority that hitler wanted
What happened on the 23rd March 1933?
Hitler has stirred enough fear that he persuaded the centre party to join with his so he had the majority. Hitler also forced the recihstag to pass the ‘enabling law’. This gave hitler the power to do what he wanted
What happened on 7th April 1933?
Gestapo formed and first concentration camp
What did hitler do on 2 May 1933?
Hitler banned all trade unions and took their money and their leaders were thrown in jail. By removing trade unions, hitler had removed a worker’s way of complaining about pay and conditions
2 August 1934
After Hindenburg died hitler took Chancellor job. He gave himself the name Der Führer
What happened on 14th July 1933?
Hitler banned all other political parties in Germany. The ‘law against the formation of new parties’ stated that anyone trying to set up or run another party. Would go to prison for three years. Germany was now a one Party state
What happened on 2nd August 1934
When president Hindenburg died hitler immediately took chancellor job and called himself Der Führer
When was the night of the long knives?
30 June 1934
How many germans were out of work when hitler came to power in 1933?
6 million
Who had to spend 6 months in the national labour service (RAD)?
Men aged 18-25
They were pod pocket money but at least it was a job
What did the Nazis order new construction of in June 1933?
Autobahns (motorways)
How many jobs did the construction of 3800km of highway create?
From 1935, who had to join the armed forces for at least 2 years?
Males aged 18-25
From 1935-1940 how much did the army grow?
- 100,000
1940. 1,400,000
When did Hitler appoint Hjalmar Schacht as minister of economics?
1933 as soon as he came to power
When did Hermann Goering introduce the four year plan?
In 1936
What did Georgina once say in a speech about self-sufficiency?
‘Would you rather have butter or guns? Shall we bring in lard or iron? I tell you, guns make us powerful. Butter only makes us fat’
During the Nazis how much of the population were involved in agriculture?
What replaced trade unions?
German labour front (DAF)
What two schemes did the DAF run?
Beauty of labour
Strength through joy
What was happening with food by November 1939?
Who was made armaments minister in 1942
Albert speer to make Germany ready for total war
How many foreign workers had been brought in from foreign countries Germany had conquered?
7 million
What new subject were added to the curriculum in Germany?
Between 1933 and 1934 what percentage of university lecturers lost their jobs?
When was the hitler Youth set up?
When did hitler ban all other youth clubs?
When was the law for the incorporation of German youth made which made the hitler youth as important as school?
When was membership made compulsory
Name some groups that rebelled against hitler youth
‘Edelweiss pirates’
What was the birth rate in 1933?
Under one million per year
When was the motherhood awarded to women who had he most children
12 August annually
How many babies were born as a result of the lebensborn programme?
By march 1939, how many women had attended one of the German women’s league motherhood training courses
1.7 million
Compare the birth rate in 1933 to 1939
1933 970,000
1934 1,413,000 1939
What did the ‘Law for the prevention of diseases offspring’ mean?
That women with a history of mental illness or anti social behaviour could be forcibly sterilised
How many Romans were Catholics?
20 million
How many Germans were Protestant?
40 million
When did hitler sign the concordat?
What happened to catholic archbishop Galen in August 1941?
He openly criticised the Nazis and was placed under house arrest until the end of the war
When did ludwig müller become the first reich bishop
In September 1933
Who was th confessional church led by?
Martin niemoller they openers criticisd the Nazis and arrested 800 pastors and it was banned
Many many Jews died in death camps up to 1945
6 million
When were all Jews banned from sports clubs?
April 1933
When were all jewish shops marked with yellow Star of David?
January 1934
When were Jews no longer allowed out of their homes between 8pm and 6 am?
September 1939
When were the Nuremberg laws introduced?
September 1935
No Jews could vote
What did the Law for the protection of German blood and honour do?
Banned marriage between Jews and non Jews
When was kristallnacht?
November 1938
How many Jewish shop windows were smashed?
How many Jews were killed on kristallnacht?
How many Jews were sent to concentration camps on kristallnacht?
How many synagogues were burned down on kristallnacht?
When was the Wansee conference?
When was the Warsaw ghetto uprising?
How many days did he Warsaw ghetto uprising last for?
43 days
When was Treblinka rebellion?
How many prisoners escaped during the Treblinka rebellion?
How many prisoners were killed as revenge due to the Treblinka rebellion by the Nazis?
How many German companies used Jews as slaves to build their goods?
Who was put under the control himmler?
All police forces
When was the SS set up?
Set up in 1925
What was the chamber of culture?
It was led by Goebbels. All musicians writer artists and actors had to be members of the Nazi organisation and anyone who refused would not be allowed to work
What did the Nazis publically do in 1936 to degenerate art?
Burned 5000 disapproved paintings
What did the Nazis do in 1937 to show degenerate art?
They put on an exhibition for disapproved and approved art
What did hitler do to Bauhaus in 1933?
Closed it down
When did Berlin hold he Olympic Games?
What did the white Rose group do?
Urged Germans to get rid of hitler. Thy handed out anti-Nazi leaflets and put posters and graffiti on walls
What did the Kreisau circle do?
Talked about the assignation of Hitler
When was the July Bomb plot