Kahoot Flashcards
The stained smear of bone marrow specimens obtained from an immunodeficient patient revealed small intracellular cells. The organism grew as a mold on enriched media at 25°C and as a yeast at 37°C. Microscopic examination of the mold revealed thick, round, tuberculate macroconidia. What is most likely identification?
Histoplasma Capsulatum
Determine the calculated osmolality given the following data: sodium=135mEq/L; glucose=95 mg/dL; BUN= 10 mg/dL.
2(NA) + Glucose/18 +Bun/ 2.8 =
2(135) + 95/18 + 10/2.8 = 270+5.278+3.57= 278.848
In infectious mononucleosis IgG-EBNA antibodies first appear in:
A 42-year-old male presents with anorexia, nausea, fever, and icterus of the skin and mucous membranes. He noticed that his urine had appeared ark for the past several days. The physician orders a series of biochemical tests. Based on the following test results, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Serum alkaline phosphatase- markedly elevated
Serum alanine aminotransferase- slightly elevated
Serum aspartate aminotransferase- slightly elevated
Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase- markedly elevated
Serum total bilirubin-moderately elevated
Urine bilirubin- positive
Fecal urobilinogen- decreased
Obstructive jaundice
Antibodies against streptolysin O, hyaluronidase, and DNase B are measured in the diagnosis of which disease?
Rheumatic fever
eGFR calculated by the MDRD formula takes into account the age, race, gender and what else for its calculations?
A 6-month-old male infant presents with failure to thrive. His mother notes that he has loose, foul smelling stools, a representative field of his blood smear is shown here. What is the diagnosis?
A permanent stained smear of a fecal specimen revealed the trophozoite in the image below. The organism measure 55 in diameter should be reported as:
Entamoeba coli trophozoite
Antibodies to cyclic citrullinated proteins (anti-CCP) are specific diagnostic indicators for:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
A 68 year old patient has a white blood cell count of 19x10^9/L. The wright’s stain peripheral smear below. What is the expected chromosomal abnormality?
picture of smudge cell is it trisomy 12? CLL
The TUL reaction in the image below is suggesting which organism?
E. Coli
Which of the following is necessary to prevent an anaphylactic allergic transfusion reaction due to known IgA antibody in a patient?
Red Blood Cell units should be washed
Acid fast coccobacilli recovered from an immunodeficient patient suggest infection by which mycobacteria?
M. Avium complex
When a therapeutic drug is suspected of causing toxicity, which specimen is most appropriate for an initial investigation?
Peak Blood sample
A patient wants to donate his own blood for surgery scheduled in 1 weeks and has a Hgb of 11g/dl. What is his eligibility status?
Yes, autologous.
A 30-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital. She has truncal obesity, buffalo humpback, moon face, purple striae, hypertension, hyperglycemia, increased facial hair, acne, and amenorrhea. The physician orders endocrine testing. The results are as follows:
Urine free cortisol- increased
Serum cortisol( 8 AM)- increased
Plasma ACTH- decreased
Dexamethasone suppression test:
Overnight low dose- no suppression of serum cortisol
High dose- no suppression of serum cortisol
What is the most probable diagnosis?
-Adrenocortical carcinoma
Characteristics necessary for the definitive identification of mycobacterium tuberculosis are:
Rough, nonpigmented colony, slow growth at 37 C, niacin production positive, nitrate reduction positive
What might a positive antibody screen and a negative auto control indicate?
An alloantibody has been detected.
The abnormal hemoglobin can form as a result of chronic constipation or medication and represents irreversible change to the hemoglobin molecule which cannot carry oxygen and will persist until the RBCs caring this abnormal hemoglobin are removed from circulation:
An increased TSH and decreased T4 Provide laboratory evidence of which disease?
Primary Hypothyroidism
A 55 -year-old male was treated and admitted to the hospital. Her pre-admission results were:
WBC 3.2x10^9/L RBC 3.1X10^12/L Hct 34% Hgb: 10.7g/dL RDW: 17.6
MCV:110fL, MCH 34.5 pg MCHC: 32g/dL
The wright’s stained peripheral smear of this patient is shown. A definitive diagnosis can be made with additional procedure:
Megaloblastic Anemia Assay Folate and Vitamin B12
Gram staining was performed on a smear of staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli for quality control measures. Microscopic examination of the smear appears in the image below. The technologist should perform the quality control should:
read it as regular
The specificity of the antibody in the cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia is most often directed toward:
Ii systems
A patient presenting with polyuria, nocturia, polydipsia, and high specific gravity is exhibiting symptoms of:
Diabetes Mellitus
Five days after a transfusion, a patient returned to his physician for postsurgical blood tests. It was noted that the hemoglobin value decreased from 11g/dL to 9ml/dL during that time. The patient had not experienced any symptoms. To rule out a delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, what test should be performed?
A. DAT on current sample, elution if positive
B. antibody screen on the current sample
C. blood smear to check for spherocytes
D. all of the above
Which of the following statements about cortisol in cushing’s syndrome is true?
Twenty-four-hour urinary free cortisol is a more sensitive test than plasma total cortisol
All of the following are characteristics of ABO hemolytic of the fetus and newborn( HDFN) except:
The antibody is IgM
A sperm count is diluted 1:20 and 50 sperm are counted in 2 large squares of the Neubauer counting chamber. The sperm count in mLs
Number of sperm counted x dilution factor/volume x 1000 = sperm/ml.
50 x 20/ 0.02 x (1000) = 50,000,000 or 5.0 x 10 ^7 sperm/ml
A group O patient was crossmatched with group B red blood cells. What phase of the crossmatch will first detect this incompatibility?
Immediate spin
What is the most likely diagnosis given this microscopic finding?
picture of RBC CASTS
Which of the following biochemical parameters is found only in the myocardium and therefore provides specific evidence of cardiac injury when increased 4-6 hours after chest pain onset?
Cardiac Troponin I
A 27- year-old woman arrives at the emergency department with acute bleeding and swollen gums. Lab results are:
WBC:25.7 X 10^9L Absolute neutrophil count 0.8x10^9/L RBC:2.3 X 10^12/L Hematocrit 27% Platelet count 35 x 10^9/L Peripheral Smear Result: 30% blasts 70% Abnormal Promyelocytes in her peripheral blood; Some of these cells contain Auer rods What cytogenetic finding would be expected in this condition?
Detection of oxacillin/methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus in antimicrobial susceptibility may be enhanced by:
Incubating for 24 hours with added salt
The serum electrophoretic pattern seen here is consistent with:
monoclonal gammopathy
Mrs. PL is a first trimester pregnancy woman suspected of having been infected with toxoplasmosis after taking care of a friend’s cat. Initial serological tests indicate a specific IgG titer of 1:64. A second sample taken three weeks later had a titer of 1:256. These results are indicative of:
current infection
A request is received in the laboratory for assistance in selecting the appropriate tests for diagnosing lyme disease. Which of the following is most reliable for diagnosis?
Microhemagglutination test on serum, examination of a gram staining smear
Immunization for measles vaccine would result in a temporary donor deferral for:
4 weeks
A clean- catch urine is submitted to the laboratory for routine urinalysis and culture. The routine urinalysis is done first and 3 hours later the specimen is sent to the microbiology department. The specimen should:
Be rejected due to time delay