FinGTFO Flashcards
A Schilling’s test gives the following results: Part I: 2.1% excretion of radioactive Vitamin B12
PartII: 3.3% excretion of radioactive B12 after intrinsic factor was given.
PartIII: 3.2% excretion of Radioactive B12 after antibiotics was given
Pernicious anemia
A patient has 30% hemoglobin F. Which of the following can be eliminated?
Four missing genes for alpha chain production
which of the following is an expected finding in Beta thalassemia minor?
basophilic stippling
In ______, Reed-Sternberg cells and Reed-Sternberg variants predominate and lymphocytes are sparse
Lymphocyte depletion Hodgkins lymphoma
Which of the following is an expected finding in Beta-thalassemia minor?
Basophilic stippling
On monday a patients hemoglobin determination was 11.3g/dL and on tuesday it measured 11.8 g/dL. the standard deviation of the method used is +/- 0.2 g/dL. what can be concluded about the hemoglobin values given?
there is no significant change in the patient’s hemoglobin concentration
A platelet determination was performed on an automated instrument and a very low value was obtained. the platelets appeared adequate when estimated from the stained blood film. the best explanation for this discrepancy is:
many platelets are abnormally large or platelet clumps
A 14 year old boy is seen in the ER complaining of a sore throat, swollen glands, and fatigue. the CBC results are WBC: 16.0x 10^9/L RBC:4.37 x 10^12 Hgb: 12.8 g/dL Hct:38.4% Platelets:390x10^9/L differential: segs 30% bands 2% lymphs 50% monos 3% Reactive lymphs 15% what is the most likely diagnosis?
A 50-year old man was admitted into the hospital with acute leukemia. Laboratory findings included the following:
Myeloperoxidase ————– Blast cell negative
PAS stain ———————— Blast cells demonstrate a blocking pattern
TdT ——————————– Blast cells positive
Surface immunoglobulin —– Blast cells negative
CD2 ——————————– Blasts cells negative
Philadelphia chromosome —– Positive
These results are most consistent with:
chronic myelogenous leukemia in lymphoblastic transformation
Which of the following platelet responses is most likely associated with hemophilia A?
Normal platelet aggregation
Blood donor and recipient samples used in cross matching must be stored for a minimum of:
7 days
Which of the following ABO blood groups contains the lest amount of H substance?
Which of the following is the most common antibody seen in blood banks after ABO and Rh antibodies ?
Select the appropriate strategy if the results of red cell and serum testing in the ABO typing procedure have negative agglutination reactions.
Incubate tubes at room temperature or 4 degrees celsius with an autocontrol
Given the following ABO phenotyping data:
Anti-A 2+ mf
Anti-B 0
A1 Cells 0
B Cells 3+
What could be a plausible explanation for this discrepancy?
group O blood products given to group A
The correct storage temperature and time limit for pooled platelets are:
20-24 degrees celsius, 4 hours
A patient has anemia, decreased RBC indices, and targets on the peripheral smear. serum iron is normal and electrophoresis shows thin bands that migrates faster than A on cellulose acetate. which of the following is true concerning this patient.
sickle/beta thalassemia minor
To prevent graft-versus-host disease, blood components prepared for a fetus that needs an intrauterine transfusion should be:
A Kleihauer-Betke test indicates 10 fetal cells per 1000 adult cells. For a woman with 5000 mL blood volume, the proper dose of RhIg (Rhogam) is:
two regular dose vials, +1
Why is an enzyme treatment used in antibody identification?
enzymes aid in the separation and identification of multiple antibodies
Each unit of cryoprecipitate, prepared from whole blood, should contain approximately how many units of AHF activity?
80 IU
What is the most critical step in blood transfusion?
checking patient identification and compatibility of donor unit
Indicate the required storage temperature of Platelet concentrate
20-24 degrees celsius
Which genotype would most likely show dosage effect for both E and e antigens?
Which one of the following statements concerning turbidimetry is not correct?
in a turbidimetric procedure, the measurement of light is made at right angles to the incident light
Given the following lab results, what is the most likely cause of this patient’s BUN?
45 mg/dL
1.8 mg/dL
Uric Acid
7 mg/dL
pCO 2
74.4 mm Hg
pO 2
32.8 mm Hg
O 2 sat.
congestive heart failure
How does the net charge of the proteins in a sample affect the electrophoretic mobility of protein fractions?
it is directly proportional to electrophoretic mobility
The major causes of decreased plasma urea concentration include:
low protein intake and severe liver disease
An adult patient has a white blood count of 80x 10^9/L. The differential has 92% Sudan black positive blasts and 8% lymphocytes. which of the following is most likely.
AML without maturation or AML-M1
Certain immunoassays require separation of bound reactant from free labeled reactant for determination of analyte concentration. Which one of the following immunoassays is a heterogeneous and requires a separation step?
Incorporation of ______________, a neutral antibiotic, into a polyvinyl chloride membrane allows for the manufacture of an ion-selective electrode that is highly selective for potassium.
Select the order of processes in the polymerase chain reaction cycle. (Steps are listed in the order performed with the first step listed first.)
denaturation, primer annealing, polymerase extension
A hospital patient is receiving amikacin for her Enterobacter infection that seems to be resistant to all other antibiotics. Her physician is somewhat unfamiliar with the antibiotic and wants to know what laboratory analyses can be performed to assess antibiotic concentration and the effects it has on the patient’s physiology. You suggest
peak and trough amikacin concentration assessment and creatinine clearance
Secondary acquired lactose intolerance can occur from reduced lactase activity following diffuse intestinal damage caused by, for example, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Which one of the following IBDs affects the large bowel in particular?
ulcerative colitis
For the specimen collection tubes listed below, select the proper order of use during specimen collection.
tube for coagulation testing, tube with no anticoagulant, heparin-containing tube, EDTA- containing tube
A 23-year-old man visits his physician with symptoms of abdominal discomfort and diarrhea. The man states that the diarrhea has been present off and on for approximately 6 weeks. He especially notes symptoms after a breakfast of wheat cereal and milk. His physician considers the possibility of two disorders, celiac disease and lactose intolerance. Which of the following pairs of laboratory tests would provide a definitive answer?
analysis of tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies and breath hydrogen testing
Upon examination of the morning’s run of free thyroxine tests, you notice that four consecutive normal control values are +1 standard deviation from the mean. In your QC report, you note that Westgard multirule _____ has been broken and realize that this rejection rule is sensitive to _____ error.
41s; systematic
Violation of which of the following Westgard control rules would be associated with the greatest degree of imprecision?
The biuret reaction is the most common technique for measuring total serum protein. The biuret reaction is directed toward what part of the protein complex?
the peptide linkage