K- Lab Week 4 Flashcards
Pec Major (sternal head)
o Supine, feet and back flat on table
o Put BOTH arms into plan of scaption – 50 degrees (Y shaped)
o Tape measure distance to table
Pec Major (clavicle head)
o Supine, feet and hips flexed, feet and low back flat on treatment table
o Flex shoulder 90 degrees, flex elbow 90 degrees, horizontal abduction
o Tape measure elbow to table top
Pec Minor
o Supine, hip and knee flexed, feet and back flat on table
o Observe from head of table
o Compare scapulae for anterior tipping
o ‘Slight,’ ‘Moderated,’ or ‘Marked’ muscle tightness recorded
Lat Dorsi Muscle Length
Standing with back against wall
o Subject flexes both arms (sagittal plane)
o Low back remains flat against wall
o Motion is stopped when low back arches and shoulder flexion is measured
Elbow Flexion
o 0 to 145 degrees
o supine, upper limb parallel to lateral midline of trunk and forearm in
anatomical position
o Axis: over lateral epicondyle of humerus
o Stationary Arm: lateral midline of the humerus in line with the acromion
o Moving Arm: lateral midline of the radius in line with the styloid process
o Stabilization: the distal end of the humerus is stabilized.
Elbow Extension
o From 145 to 0 degrees (not any hyperextension)
o Supine with arm parallel to lateral midline of trunk and the forearm
o Goniometric alignment and stabilization same as elbow flexion.
o Place towel under distal humerus to keep glenoid fossa and elbow in line
Carrying Angle
o Males: 5 degrees
o Females: 10-15 degrees
o Axis: midpoint between the medial and lateral epicondyle on humerus
o Stationary Arm: midshaft of the humerus
o Moving Arm: midpoint between the distal radius and ulna
Supraspinatus MMT
AG: sit with should in neutral rotation and elbow flexed
o GM: supine with upper limb supported, shoulder in neutral, elbow flexed
o Patient abducts shoulder within 30 degree range
o Resistance: applied to the lateral arm immediately proximal to the elbow
o Stabilization: stabilize the opposite shoulder
Subscap MMT
o AG: prone, shoulder abducted and flexed over edge of table
o GM: prone, shoulder flexed over edge of table
o Patient medially rotates shoulder to 60 degrees
o Resistance: applied proximal to wrist on anterior surface of forearm
o Stabilization: stabilize humerus and thorax with your hand and forearm
Pec Major (both heads) MMT
AG: supine with shoulder abducted and elbow flexed 90 degrees
o GM: sitting, abducted 90 degrees, elbow flexed 90 degrees, upper limb is
o Sternal head: horizontal adduction and extension from 90 degrees of
abduction, moving towards opposite shoulder in diagonal direction, punch
o Clavicular head: horizontal adduction with flexion from 90 degrees of
abduction, punch up
o Resistance: applied to anteromedial arm above elbow
o Stabilization: contralateral shoulder or ipsilateral trunk.
Lat Dorsi MMT
o AG: prone, shoulder flexed and medially rotated over edge of table
o GM: sidelying, upper limb supported, in 90 degrees of shoulder flexion and
medial rotation and with elbow flexed
o Patient extends the shoulder, allowing elbow to flex
o Resistance: applied to posterior arm just proximal to elbow
o Stabilization: thorax
Infra/ Teres Minor
AG: prone with elbow flexed over edge of table (slightly abducted and rested
on towel – elbow breaks at corner of table)
o GM: prone with shoulder flexed over edge of table
o Patient laterally rotates arm 90 degrees
o Resistance: applied proximal to wrist on extensor surface of forearm
o Stabilization: humerus and thorax
Biceps Brachii MMT
AG: sitting, upper limb in anatomical position, forearm is supinated
o GM: sitting, arm supported in 90 degrees of abduction, shoulder in neutral
rotation, elbow extended, forearm supinated
o Patient flexes elbow to 90 degrees
o Resistance: applied proximal to wrist on anterior forearm
o Stabilization: the arm is stabilized.
Brachialis MMT
o AG: sitting, upper limb in anatomical position, forearm is pronated
o GM: sitting, arm supported in 90 degrees of abduction, shoulder in neutral
rotation, elbow extended, forearm supinated
o Patient flexes elbow to 90 degrees
o Resistance: applied proximal to wrist on anterior forearm
o Stabilization: the arm is stabilized.
Brachioradialis MMT
AG: sitting, upper limb in anatomical position, forearm in midposition
o GM: sitting, arm supported in 90 degrees of abduction, shoulder in neutral
rotation, elbow extended, forearm supinated
o Patient flexes elbow to 90 degrees
o Resistance: applied proximal to wrist on anterior forearm
o Stabilization: the arm is stabilized.
Triceps MMT
AG: supine, shoulder flexed 90 degrees and elbow fully flexed
o GM: sitting, should supported in 90 degrees of flexion and medial rotation
with elbow flexed and forearm neutral
o Patient extends elbow from 145 degrees of flexion
o Resistance: applied immediately proximal to wrist on posterior forearm
o Stabilization: the arm is stabilized.