K-Lab Week 3 Flashcards
Shoulder Flexion
0 to 180 degrees
o Supine with hips and knees flexed, palm and forearm pronated
o Axis: acromion process through the head of the humerus
o Stationary Arm: Midaxillary line of the trunk in line with the greater
o Moving Arm: lateral longitudinal midline of the humerus, lateral epicondyle
o Stabilization: the scapula should be prevented from rising and tipping
Shoulder Extension
0 to 50 degrees
o Prone, elbow slightly flexed, forearm pronated
o Axis: slightly inferior to the acromion process in line with the humeral head
o Stationary Arm: midaxillary line of the trunk in line with the greater
o Moving Arm: lateral longitudinal midline of the humerus, lateral epicondyle
o Stabilization: Stabilize the scapula.k
Shoulder ABDuction
0 to 180 degrees
o Supine, knees and hips flexed, feet flat on table
o Limb being tested in anatomical position
o Axis: anterior portion of acromion process, through center of head of
o Moving Arm: Anterior aspect of arm, parallel to midline of humerus, medial
o Stationary Arm: lateral aspect of the anterior surface of the chest, parallel to
the midline of the sternum
o Stabilization: Stabilize the thorax.
Shoulder Horizontal ADDuction
0 to 120 degrees from horizontal abduction ?
o Sitting, should abducted and flexed 90 degrees
o Axis: superiorly on the acromion process, through the head of the humerus
o Stationary Arm: along the midline of the shoulder towards the neck
(goniometer arm must be short)
o Moving Arm: along the midshaft of the humerus, lateral epicondyle
o Stabilization: stabilize the thorax to prevent rotation.yhh
Shoulder Horizontal ABDuction
0 to 120 degrees from horizontal adduction ?
o Sitting, same position as above
o Axis: Superiorly on the acromion process, through the head of the humerus
o Stationary Arm: midline of the shoulder toward neck (goniometer arm must
be short)
o Moving Arm: along the midshaft of the humerus, lateral epicondyle
o Stabilization: stabilize the thorax to prevent rotation.
Shoulder IR/ ER
0 to 65-90 degrees IR…….0-90 ER
o Axis: olecranon process of the ulna projects through the humeral shaft
toward the humeral head
o Stationary Arm: perpendicular to floor
o Moving Arm: along ulnar shaft, directed toward the styloid process of the
o Stabilization: stabilize the distal end of the humerus throughout the range of
motion and the scapula and thorax toward the end of motion.
Upper Trap MMT
AG: Sitting with arms relaxed
o GM: Supine or prone; examiner supports limbs and shoulders
o Have pt. elevate shoulders towards ears
o Resistance: applied superiorly on acromion process pushing down
o Stabilization: apply resistance to both shoulders simultaneously to prevent
Middle Trap MMT
AG: prone with elbow flexed over edge of table
o GM: sitting with upper limb resting on table, should joint abducted to 90
degrees and elbow flexed 90 degrees
o Patient brings scapulae together in adduction
o Resistance: applied to border of scapula, pushing down and out into
o Stabilization: stabilize contralateral thorax.
Lower Trap MMT
AG and GM: prone with shoulder abducted 130 degrees
o Subject lifts upper limb off table
o Resistance: applied to lateral angle of scapula in forward and outward
o Stabilization: stabilize thorax on the opposite side.
Rhomboid Major and Minor MMT
AG: prone with hand resting on lumbar spine (palm up)
o GM: sitting, hand resting on lumbar spine
o Patient lifts the hand off the back
o Resistance: applied to medial border of scapula, pushing into abduction and
upward rotation
o Stabilization: stabilize the thorax on the opposite side.
Serratus Anterior MMT
AG: supine, shoulder flexed 90 degrees, elbow completely flexed
o GM: sitting with upper limb resting on table, shoulder in 90 flexion, elbow
o Patient reaches forward or protracts shoulder
o Resistance: applied to the elbow, pushing scapula into adduction
o Stabilization: stabilize contralateral thorax.
Teres Major MMT
AG: prone, arm medially rotated and resting on back
o Patient adducts and extends shoulder
o Resistance: pull the arm into abduction at proximal elbow
o Stabilization: stabilize upper trunk
Anterior Deltoid MMT
AG: sit with should in neutral/internal rotation and elbow flexed
o GM: sidelying with upper limb supported and should in neutral position,
elbow flexed
o Patient flexes shoulder to 90 degrees
o Resistance: applied immediately proximal to the elbow, pushing down into
shoulder extension or horizontal abduction
o Stabilization: stabilize the opposite shoulder
Middle Deltoid MMT
o AG: sitting with shoulder in neutral and elbow flexed 90 degrees
o GM: Supine, upper limb supported and elbow flexed 90 degrees
o Patient abducts shoulder to 90 degrees
o Resistance: applied to the lateral arm immediately proximal to the elbow
o Stabilization: opposite shoulder
Posterior Deltoid MMT
AG: prone, shoulder flexed over edge of table, elbow relaxed
o GM: sitting, upper limb supported by table, shoulder and elbow flexed 90
o Patient horizontally abducts
o Resistance: applied to the posterior arm immediately proximal to elbow
o Stabilization: scapula on same side.
Use previous sections