K Flashcards
Flight service station-122.2hz, continual broadcast of actual weather/thunderstorm info between pilot/weather breifing for ur route
From ADS-B on 978 hz, gives way to all other weather radio services like TAF, dont use fof tactical manuvering bc cant update fast enough for localized weather phenomina, intended for anticipated changes to route weather
Four fundamentals of flight
Straight/level, turn, climb, descent
Wind/temp aloft chart
Two digits r wind direction in deg true, then its wind speed kt, next no. Is temp, if strong winds a 50 is added to wind didection and 100 subtracted from speed, light and variable is used for less than 5 kts, coded with a 9900
Used to tell severe weather conditions, convective signet, signet, and airmet (for small light aircraft)
Severe icing, less than 3 SM, CAT (clear air turbulence), dust/sand/volcano ash storms, BUT NOT THUNDERSTORMS
For small/light aircraft, moderate icing, visibility less than 3 SM, ceiling less than 1k ft, 30kt winds, mountain obscurement, CEILING
Convect signet
Included thinderstorms covered by lotd of clouds bc its tornadoes and shit and hail
Convect signet
Included thinderstorms covered by lotd of clouds bc its tornadoes and shit and hail
empty weight
permanent plane equipement (always: airframe, engine, optional special equipment: ballast, hydraulic fuel, unusable + undrainable fuel)
items in weight/balance computations have weight limits
AVGAS’ weight limit is 6lb/gallon, so u divide lbs by 6
CG (center of gravity)
equilibrium in longditudinal axis
Crosswind landing
Need to b parallel torunway on touchdown, longitudinal wise to minimize side load on landing gear
Landing downwind/tailwind
U will overshoot/land faster than normal
S turns
During full crosswind, crab the most during S turn
angle difference between direction the nose is pointing in, and true north TH, or magnetic heading MH the angle difference between direction the nose and magnetic north
wind correction angle, difference between heading and intended course because wind makes u crab, wind coming from left and pushing u right gives u neg WCA, opp gives u pos WCA (when wind makes u crab u always crab into the wind) so if its pushing u right ur nose is pushing left so instead of going at a 90 angle from TH, ur now at an 80 angle from TH whihc is less than 90 so its neg
TH= TC (true course, the angle between true heading and the course) +- WCA
MH=MC (magnetic course, the angle between magnetic heading and the course) +-WCA
across, 90deg to 0 (equator), to 90deg
up/down, 0deg (prime meridian) to 180 deg (international date line (half way across world))
long/lat mins
60 mins in one degree, 60 seconds in one min, one min= 1 NM nautical minute, (mins*60) + xtra mins + xtra seconds/60= NM from equator
MAPS (red flag)
landmark (u can use for VFR to determine where u r)
MAPS (caution)
it’ll tell u what the caution is
MAPS (star on airport)
airport w rotating beacon (sectional charts)
AC (advicsory circular)
an issued statement sayign something is not how it usually is, 20 aircraft, 60 airmen, 70 airspace, 90 airtraffic, letters mean the no. of times its been issued (1st is OG, A is 2nd time ect.), number after the hyphen is the area, i.e. AC 90-66B, airtraffic in area 66 has been updated 3 times, can be downloaded on faa website