K Flashcards
化学 (かがく): noun
Meeting, assembly, party, association, club
会 (かい): noun, suffix
会員 (かいいん): noun
Foreign, abroad, overseas
海外 (かいがい): noun, adjective
Meeting, assembly, gathering, association
会合 (かいごう): noun, suru-verb
Finance, account, treasure, bill
会計 (かいけい): noun
Start, commencement, beginning, initiation
開始 (かいし): noun, suru-verb
Subject (school), curriculum, course
科目 (かもく): noun
Right, privilege
権利 (けんり): noun
Basic, fundamentals, basis, foundation
基本 (きほん): noun
Article, news, story, report, account
記事 (きじ): noun
Sensation, feeling, tendency
気味 (きみ): noun
Commemoration, celebration, honouring the memory of
記念 (きねん): noun, suru-verb
To like, to take a liking to
気にいる (きにいる): u-verb, expression
Entry, filling in, filling out
記入 (きにゅう): noun, suru-verb