A Flashcards
Light, illumination, glow, gleam
明かり (あかり): noun
To become dawn, for it to become daylight
明ける (あける): ru-verb, intransitive
Clear, obvious
明らか (あきらか): na-adjective
Devil, demon, fiend, satan
悪魔 (あくま): noun
Learning by heart, memorisation
暗記 (あんき): noun, suru-verb
New, fresh, novel, renewed
新た (あらた): noun, na-adjective
All, every
あらゆる: adjective
Gathering, meeting, collection, attendance
集まり (あつまり): noun, na-adjective
油 (あぶら): noun
Love, affection, care, to love (suru-verb)
愛 (あい): noun, suffix, suru-verb
Love, affection
愛情 (あいじょう): noun, suffix
As ever, as usual, the same, still
相変わらず (あいかわらず): adverb
Unfortunately…, sorry
あいにく: adverb
Friend, companion, company
相手 (あいて): noun
Signal, sign, cue
合図 (あいず): noun
Space, room, emptiness
空き (あき): noun
Vacant house, unoccupied house
空き家 (あきや): noun
To give up, to abandon
諦める (あきらめる): ru-verb, transitive
To get tired of, to lose interest in, to be fed up with, to have enough
飽きる (あきる): ru-verb, intransitive
握手 (あくしゅ): noun, suru-verb
To remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too many
余る (あまる): u-verb, intransitive
To knit, to plait, to braid
編む (あむ): u-verb, intransitive
Idea, plan, proposal, suggestion, (government) bill
案 (あん): noun, suffix
Sweat, perspiration
汗 (あせ): noun, suffix
Hole, deficit, vacancy
穴 (あな): noun, suffix
Stability, equilibrium
安定 (あんてい): noun, suru-verb
Coarse, rough
粗い (あらい): i-adjective
Storm, tempest
嵐 (あらし): noun
To appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialise
現れる (あらわれる): ru-verb, intransitive
To represent, to signify, to display
表す (あらわす): ru-verb, intransitive
At one’s feet, under foot, one’s step (as in watch your step), pace, gait
足元 (あしもと): noun
To give, to bestow
与える (あたえる): ru-verb,
Price, cost
値 (あたい): noun
Nearby, on the bank, neighbourhood, nearby
辺り (あたり): noun
To be hit, to strike
当たる (あたる): ru-verb, intransitive
To warm, to heat
温める (あたためる): ru-verb, transitive
Marks, signs, site, mark, remains, ruins
跡 (あと): noun
To deal with (a person or problem), to treat, to handle, to work
扱う (あつかう): u-verb, transitive
Error, mistake, slip, bug
誤り (あやまり): noun
Bubble, foam, froth, head on beer
泡 (あわ): noun
Pity, sorrow, grief, misery, compassion, pathos
哀れ (あわれ): noun
To match, to join together, to face (someone), to compare
合わせる (あわせる): ru-verb, transitive
To leave (in someone’s custody), to put (in someone’s care), to put someone in charge of, to lean on
預ける (あずける): ru-verb, transitive