I Flashcards
胃 (い): noun
Agreement, union, match, coincidence
一致 (いっち): noun, suru-verb
Place, position
位置 (いち): noun
Market, the market place
市場 (いちば): noun
One part, one portion
一部 (いちぶ): noun, adverb
All at once
一度に (いちどに): adverb
For a time, at one time, for a moment, 1 o’clock
一時 (いちじ): noun
Just in case, pretty much
一応 (いちいおう): noun, adverb
First-class, top grade
一流 (いちりゅう): noun, adverb
Greatness, grand
偉大 (いだい): na-adjective
To hold in one’s arms (e.g. a baby), to embrace, to hug
抱く (いだく): u-verb, transitive
Movement, transfer
移動 (いどう): noun, suru-verb, transitive, intransitive
衣服 (いふく): noun
Unexpected, surprisingly
意外 (いがい): na-adjective, adverb
Violence, offense
違反 (いはん): noun, suru-verb, intransitive
Committee member
委員 (いいん): noun
Maintenance, preservation
維持 (いじ): noun, suru-verb, transitive
Strangeness, abnormality
異常 (いじょう): noun, na-adjective
A family, a household, a home, one’s family, whole family
一家 (いっか): noun
Breath, breathing
息 (いき): noun
Living thing, animal
生き物 (いきもの): noun
Force, vigor, energy
勢い (いきおい): noun
Hereafter, since
以降 (いこう): noun, adverb
Living room (Western style), sitting room
居間 (いま): noun
Before long, even now
今に (いまに): adverb
At any moment, at any minute
今にも (いまにも): adverb