June exam Flashcards
List five important ways to care for your body
Eat good food, exercise, drink clean water every day, get enough sleep every night, keep your body clean.
What three things do you need for your mind, emotions or feelings to develop well?
To feel safe, loved and respected
What causes conflict?
Conflict occurs when people think about things differently which then ends up in an argument or a fight.
What three things can you do to avoid and deal with conflict?
1) Talk about it; tell the person how you feel. If you can’t talk to the person, then talk to someone you trust.
2) Recognize differences, and that it’s ok to be different.
3) stop the conflict getting worse; if people are cross or upset, then leave the situation until everyone is calmer.
Answer true or false: everyone is special in some way.
True or false: I can use my strengths to improve on my weaknesses
True or false: if you disrespect your body, you will have a good relationship with yourself.
What helps us to improve our skills?
Give some words for expressing anger. “I feel…”
Appalled, aggravated, enraged, offended, annoyed, disgusted, infuriated, dismayed, irritated, troubled, furious, cranky, upset, riled, provoked….
Give some words for expressing happiness. “I feel….”
Amused, delighted, joyous, ecstatic, jubilant, thrilled, elated, glad, marvelous, tickled, cheerful, excited, pleased, contented, high, wonderful…..
If someone tells you that they feel “rotten”, what do they mean?
They feel hurt and upset; they feel terrible.
What words might you use to describe feeling embarrassed?
Awkward, silly, foolish, uncomfortable, mortified, humiliated….
Give some other words for feeling bewildered.
Confused, perplexed, rattled, anxious, flustered, puzzled….
When someone says they are feeling “blue”, what do they mean?
That they are sad, heavy hearted, miserable, discouraged, downcast, depressed….
If someone feels “cornered”, how are they feeling?
Afraid, frightened, threatened, scared, boxed in….
How would you be feeling if you felt “inadequate”?
Helpless, useless, unworthy, powerless, inferior…
What advice could you give to someone who is being bullied?
Ignore the bullies Walk away Don't fight back Be prepared and be assertive Avoid the situation Don't show that you're afraid Keep a record Tell someone
If you’re being bullied, who can you tell?
Parents, teachers, a friend, or you could call Childline.
What does it mean to be assertive?
It means to stick up for yourself. Knowing and standing up for your rights and respecting the rights of others.
If you are being criticized, how can you be assertive?
Listen without fighting back or interrupting, don’t take it to heart, be calm, repeat what they have said in your own words and ask if that is what they meant.
What does “esteem” mean?
It means that someone or something is important, special or valuable.
What does self-esteem mean?
It is how much you appreciate yourself and how important you think you are; how you feel about yourself and the things you can do.
You have the right to go to school, but what responsibilities go with that right?
Do homework Be on time for school Look after books Listen in class Help other learners
You have the right to love and security, but what are the responsibilities that go with that right?
Keep your space neat and tidy Say please and thank you Pack away your things Listen to caretakers Help with household duties