Grade 7 LO Substance Abuse Flashcards
When does substance abuse become addiction?
When the person can no longer control his need to escape from his problems
What does it mean for a substance to be physically addictive?
It means that the body feels that it cannot function without it.
What is the reason doctors give for why some people become addicts and others do not?
Doctors don’t know.
What do you call substances taken for pleasure? What are the three types?
Recreational drugs. The types are opiates, depressants and stimulants
Name three legal recreational drugs.
Tobacco, alcohol and caffeine.
Name three illegal recreational drugs.
Dagga/marijuana, ecstasy and heroin.
True or false: most recreational drugs are harmless
False, most recreational drugs are addictive and all of them can be harmful.
What do opiates do? Give examples of opiates.
They copy the brain’s feel-good hormones, called endorphins, and bring about a state of peaceful euphoria.examples are heroin, morphine and opium.
What are depressants also known as? And what do they do? Give examples.
Also known as downers. They slow down the messages in the brain and along the nerves. They reduce emotions and help people forget their problems. Examples are: alcohol, dagga and solvents.
What are stimulants also called? And what do they do? Give some examples.
Also known as uppers, they speed up the messages in the brain and nerves. They help to heighten people’s senses, giving them more intense experiences. Examples are caffeine, nicotine, Tim, cocaine and ecstasy.
List the different ways in which substances can be taken.
Swallowing: in pill or liquid form
Smoking: smoked and absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs, e.g. Tobacco, tik, dagga.
Snorting: sniffed or snorted up the nose, introducing the drug into the mucous linings of the nose from where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. E.g. Cocaine, heroin, speed and even tik.
Injecting: some drugs can be made into a liquid form and injected directly into the bloodstream using needles and syringes; e.g. Heroin, cocaine and tik.
What are some of the dangers of injecting substances into your bloodstream?
Most people are not trained to give injections and could cause serious injury.
Sharing needles can cause the spread of diseases such as hepatitis and HIV.
How is heroin taken and what type of substance is it?
Injected or snorted. It is illegal and is an opiate.
How is ecstasy taken and categorise it.
Swallowing. It’s illegal, recreational and is a stimulant.
How is alcohol taken and categorise it.
Swallowing, legal and a depressant.
List seven physical symptoms of substance abuse.
Dramatic change in weight.
Red or glassy eyes, or pupils larger or smaller than usual.
Changes in eating habits.
Neglecting grooming habits and appearance.
Tremors, slurred speech or trouble walking or staying upright.
Odd smells on breath, body or clothing.
A rash around the nose or mouth.
Unexplained needle marks, bruising or blisters on the skin.
List ten behavioral symptoms of substance abuse.
Stopping usually activities like sports, hobbies and homework.
Declining academic results.
Having a new group of friends and avoiding old friends and family.
Mood swings, irritability, outbursts.
Changes in sleep patterns or sudden restlessness or laziness.
Lying and other selfish behaviour.
Stealing or borrowing money or items.
Feeling unmotivated, hopeless, depressed and even suicidal.
Using room deoderisers and incense or always sucking mints or chewing gum.
Constantly talking about drugs or pressuring others to drink or use drugs.
Taking risks, including sexual risks.
General forgetfulness, blackouts or memory lapses.
Getting into trouble wi law, into fights or causing accidents.
Being fearful, anxious, confused, depressed or paranoid.
Who will normally notice a person’s abuse of substances?
Usually the person’s friends and family.
What improves the chances of someone being able to recover from substance abuse?
If symptoms are recognized early.
If the person is prepared to accept help.
How does most substance abuse start?
With experimentation while under the influence of alcohol.
What do we call a substance that makes people susceptible to substance abuse?
A gateway drug.
What influences people experimenting with drugs?
Being drunk, being curious, because they see their friends and peers experimenting with a drug.
What are the reasons for people using drugs?
To escape physical or emotional problems. Low self esteem. Anxiety. Loneliness. Unhappy family life.
Alcohol has what effect?
It numbs feelings of depression.
What effect does cocaine have?
It boosts energy and confidence.
What effect do sleeping pills have?
They help to cope with panic attacks.
How does addiction develop?
To start with, the substance does deal with the problems and makes life seem better for the person. They then take more and more. If they don’t use, the problems seem even worse, so they go back to drugs.
Name three contributing factors to why people start taking drugs.
The individual themselves.
The relationships that they have.
The community in which they live.
List four intrapersonal factors contributing to substance abuse.
Personality traits
Name three interpersonal influences contributing to substance abuse.
Personal/home situation
List 7 community and social factors influencing substance abuse.
Minimum purchase age for alcohol and cigarettes.
Romanticizing of alcohol and drugs on TV and movies.
Advertising of alcohol.
Cost of alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs.
National laws concerning alcohol, smoking and illegal drugs.
Local law enforcement.
School rules.
True or false: there is no genetic link for alcoholism and drug taking.
False, there is a clear genetic link.
What type of home environment reduces the risk of a child experimenting with drugs?
A stable, structure environment with clear rules and good communication.
True or false: economic background of a person can play a role in a person’s decision to abuse a substance.
How can you protect yourself from falling into the trap of substance abuse?
Choose friends carefully and support one another when you need it.
Choose good role models.
Do not believe everything you see on movies or tv.
Exercise and take part in sport.
Share your problems with someone you trust.
Obey the rules set by your parents, caregivers and teachers.
Join a social or religious group that promotes healthy living.
Educate yourself about drugs.
Work on your assertiveness skills; practice saying ‘No’.
Develop your social skills.
Do not experiment with cigarettes and alcohol.
What are the stages for getting help with abuse?
Early detection.
Admitting that there is a problem.
Seeking help or having Friends, family and significant people insisting that person get helps.
If your friend is experiencing some of the risk factors contributing to substance abuse, describe how you can help.
Support your friend.
Help build self-esteem.
Compliment him/her on his/her strengths.
Point to the great potential that this friend has and that substance abuse will harm this.
Encourage him/her to get exercise.
Talk about the negative effects of drugs.
If someone you know is already abusing substances, what should you do?
Try to reach out to the person. Encourage him to seek professional help. Don't judge. Be supportive and understanding. Be there. Really listen. Don't always offer advice. Offer to attend a support group with the friend. Or help them contact a professional.
What are some of the organizations that you can contact for help with substance abuse?
Narcotics anonymous.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Drug addiction help.
What is substance abuse?
It is using a legal or illegal substance in the wrong way, generally for its effect on the body and emotions.