Judicial Conduct Flashcards
Are Supreme Court Justices subject to the Code of Judicial conduct for US judges?
No (This applies to other federal judges though)
What are the 4 Canons of the Code of Judicial Conduct (CJC)?
1) Uphold and promote judiciary’s independence, integrity and impartiality by avoiding impropriety or the appearance of impropriety
2) Perform duties impartially competently and diligently
3) Limit extrajudicial activities to not conflict with the obligations of judicial office
4) Political and campaign activities
To whom does the CJC apply?
Any judge what performs judicial activities at the state level (Retired judges, magistrates, those running for judicial office, etc)
What is the standard for judges avoiding impropriety or violations of the CJC?
- Must avoid impropriety (inc. violating any law or the CJC) at all times
- Must avoid the appearance of impropriety (conduct that creates the reasonable perception that the judge has violated the CJC or conduct that reflects poorly on the judge’s honestly/impartiality/temperament/fitness)
What are the guidelines for recommendation letters from judges?
- May be on official letterhead but cannot be perceived as attempting to exert pressure or abuse the prestige of the office
Can a judge allow family members to leverage the prestige of the office?
No, also cannot through judicial weight around to try to influence others to the benefit of family
What is an ex parte communication?
a communication between the judge and a representative from one side without the representative from the other side present
When are ex parte communications allowed?
- When expressly authorized by law or court order
- to facilitate mediation or settlement with the consent of the parties
- Emergencies (circumstances require it, no substance and won’t give other side an advantage, and notify absent side with summary and chance to respond)
What if a judge receives inadvertent ex parte communications?
Judge must promptly notify the parties and give them an opportunity to respond
What are the conditions for emergency ex parte communication?
1) Circumstances require it (other side cannot be reached)
2) Matter discussed is emergency/scheduling/administrative and no merits discussed
3) Judge believes no party will get a procedural, substantive or tactical advantage
4) Judge notifies the other parties of the essence fo the communication and gives an opportunity to respond
What are the limitations for a judge’s discussions with other judges and judicial personnel?
Can discuss the case but cannot discuss facts not on the record
What are the limitations for a judge consulting legal experts?
- Advice must be in writing
- Expert must be disinterested
- Must notify the parties in advance
What are the limitations on judges commenting on ongoing cases?
- Judge must not make comments about any case in any court that might affect the case’s outcome or interfere with the trial. Judge also cannot make any nonpublic comment that might substantially interfere with the a fair trial
This does not apply if the judge is a litigant in a personal capacity but does apply if the judge is a litigant in an official capacity (e.g. mandamus)
What are a judge’s limitations for official appointments?
Must appoint impartially and without nepotism.
Cannot appoint any lawyer who has contributed more than a statutory dollar amount to the judge’s campaign unless the position is unpaid or chosen by rotation through a list
Judge cannot commend or admonish jurors about their verdict
Can a judge independently investigate facts?
No - must only consider the evidence presented
What is the baseline rule for when a judge should disqualify themselves?
When impartiality might reasonably be questioned
(Judge should always disclose on the record any info that might be considered relevant to the question of disqualification even if the judge does not believe they are disqualified)
What are grounds for disqualification of a judge? which are not waivable by the parties?
- Bias or personal knowledge of parties or facts (bias must be personal and from an extrajudicial source) - not waivable
- Prior involvement in the case (or involvement in a law practice which at the time of involvement worked on the case)
- Family member inside judge’s household has a economic interest (more than de minimis)
- Family member close than cousin involved in proceeding as atty, party, witness, etc
- Contributions to judicial campaign over a special judicial threshold
- Judge publicly committed to a position or a result
What is the “rule of necessity”
If a disqualified judge is the only judge available to rule on an emergency motion, then the rule of necessity allows them to rule but the judge should still disclose on the record the conflict that would have disqualified them
Can a judge be compensated for teaching, speaking, writing, etc?
Yes as long as compensation is reasonable and would not appear to undermine independence, integrity or impartiality. Can also be reimbursed for travel, registration fees, expenses
What items must a judge publicly report?
Remember, can only accept if no appearance of impropriety
The amount or value of any extrajudicial compensation, reimbursement, and certain gifts/loans/bequests/other things of value. (Can only accept de minimis gifts anyway - no need to report gifts to spouse from which the judge benefits)
What kinds of organizations can a judge participate in?
- Organizations concerned with law or the administration of justice
- educational religious, charitable fraternal or civil nonprofits
All provided that this does not interfere with the judicial role
How much can a judge be involved in fundraising?
Can help plan a fundraiser and attend events but cannot personally solicit or receive donations
Can a judge testify at a government hearing or consult with an executive of legislative official?
Not unless it relates to the law, improving the law, or the administration of justice or it concerns the judges own personal interests. Going into public policy reasons why a certain legal change makes sense is fine
When can a judge serve as an officer, director, manager, general partner, advisor, or employee of a business?
Can’t unless it is managing personal/family investments or personal/family businesses. Even for personal businesses can’t manage if it creates conflicts
What are the rules for judges associating with organizations that practice invidious discrimination?
- Can’t be part of an org that invidiously (excluding people on a protected basis) discriminates. Can’t even use the facilities or benefits of such an organization unless its an isolated incident that can’t be seen as an endorsement.
Religious and cultural orgs are excepted
When can a full time judge practice law?
When appearing pro se, can give legal advice to family, can draft legal document for family (can’t represent family in court)
When can part time judges practice law?
Can practice including litigation and side gigs as mediator/arbitrator
Can a full time judge serve as a third party neutral (outside of judicial capacity)?
Not unless authorized by law
Can a judge be identified or endorsed by a political party in an election?
Yes if the election is partisan
Can a judge hold an office in a political party?
Can a judge endorse or oppose other candidates?
A judge decides to run for a non-judicial office. What has to happen?
Judge must resign
A judge receives information about a CPC or MPC violation . What does the judge have to do?
if the judge KNOWs the conduct for certain then must report. If judge isn’t certain, must take appropriate action (can include reporting or just talking with the person)
A judge learns that another judge or lawyer is impaired by drugs, alcohol or mentally/physically/emotionally
Judge has discretion as to what to do - Appropriate Action
Judge hears hearsay that convinces her there is a substantial likelihood that an attorney is violating an ethics rule outside of her jurisdiction. Can the judge talk to the lawyer about it? Can the judge talk to the relevant ethics disciplinary authority about it?
Yes, and Yes. Judge MUST take “appropriate action” The fact that a violation is in a different state makes no difference.
Appropriate action can include contacting the attorney directly or reporting a suspected violation
Can a judge accept benefits associated with her spouse’s business activity that incidentally benefit her?
Are benefits/gifts received by the spouse of a judge subject to reporting requirements?
What are a judge’s responsibilities with regard to bias, prejudice and harassment?
Must avoid them and must require others (including lawyers) who are under the judge’s direction and control to do likewise
Can a judge have or consider any communications with third parties that are not involved in the case outside of the presence of the parties’ lawyers?
No except for court personnel (can’t discuss facts not on the record and must not abrogate responsibility to decide the matter) and disinterested legal experts (provided judge gives advance notice and gives the parties a chance to respond to the notice and the advice of the expert)
What limitations must judges impose on those under their control with regard to comments on ongoing cases?
Judge must require that those under their control may not comment publicly in any way that might reasonably be expected to affect the outcome or impair the fairness of the trial (Judge must hold those under his control to the same standard that he must hold himself to)
What is the procedure for remittal (waiving disqualification)?
~ Can’t waive personal bias against a party
1) Judge discloses on the record the grounds for DQ and asks the parties if they would like to discuss a waiver
2) Lawyers privately discuss with their respective clients
3) All of the parties and their lawyers meet (outside of the presence of the judge) and agree that the judge should not be DQ’d. Agreement must be incorporated into the record
4) If the judge is willing to do so, she may then proceed with the case
Can a judge appear as a character witness?
No unless summoned
Can a judge disclose nonpublic information acquired in her judicial capacity? What about use?
No and No
What is the baseline rule for a judge accepting gifts?
May not accept gifts (or loans/bequests/benefits) if acceptance is prohibited by law or would reasonably appear to undermine the judge’s independence, integrity or impartiality
What gifts can a judge accept without publicly reporting?
~ Remember a judge can only accept gifts that would not reasonably appear to undermine the judge’s independence, integrity, or impartiality
- items of little intrinsic value
- things of value from those persons whose appearance in a case would DQ the judge regardless of the gift (friends, relatives)
- Ordinary social hospitality (e.g. meal)
- Regular course of business at arms length transactions
- Rewards and prizes open to persons who are not judges
- books and journals supplied by publishers on a complimentary basis for official use
- Gifts awards or benefits associated with the business or separate activity of a spouse or other family member living in the judge’s house that incidentally benefit the judge
What gifts must a judge publicly report?
~ Remember a judge can only accept gifts that would not reasonably appear to undermine the judge’s independence, integrity, or impartiality
- Gifts incident to public testimonials
- Invitations to the judge and spouse to attend a law (or permitted civic/fraternal) related event without charge
- Gifts if the source is a person who has come or is likely to come before the judge or whose interests have come or are likely to come before the judge
~ Reimbursement for attending law related events - Extrajudicial compensation
Can a full time judge act as an arbitrator or mediator as a side gig?
Can a judge or judicial candidate make speeches on behalf of a judicial candidate?
Can a judge solicit funds for or pay an assessment to or contribute to a political organization or a candidate for public office? What about buy a ticket to a dinner event?
No and No
An opponent in an election makes derogatory remarks about a judicial candidate’s integrity, experience and fitness for office. What can the candidate do?
Make a factually accurate public response to the misleading statement. Can be direct, but if the statements relate to a pending case, it is preferable for a spokesperson to do so
Can a judicial candidate announce their views on certain hot button legal issues without making a prohibited pledge to rule a certain way?
Yes. Prohibitions on a judge’s ability to announce their views on a subject violate the first amendment, but can’t pledge to reach a particular result to avoid making a prohibited promise or pledge