Judaism Terms Flashcards
Bar mitzvah
Bat Mitzvah
Jewish coming of age
An agreement established between God and the ancient Israelites first Abraham then Moses
Designates Jews as chosen people of God with special responsibilities
Jews living away from their ancestral homeland
Been true for Jews since the Classical period
A form of Judaism that arose in Eastern Europe in the 18th century that emphasizes mysticism, a personal relationship with God, a close knit leadership, and the leadership of the zaddik, a charismatic holy man
Persecution of Jews by German Nazis from 1933- 1945 resulting in the death of 6 million
Referred to by Jews as Shoah
(“Mass destruction”)
Jewish mysticism: teaches that God can be best known through through the heart
Developed mainly in the medieval period with such texts like Zohar
Contains collected teachings of the rabbis of the last 4 centuries
Along with the Talmud, is the most important texts of the Torah
8 day celebration in early spring that commemorates the Jewish Exodus from Egypt
Teacher of the Torah and leader of Jewish worship
Rosh Hashanah
Festival in early fall commemorating the new year
From sunset of Friday to the sunset of Saturday set aside for rest and religious celebration as decreed by one of the Ten Commandments
Judaism’s basic statement of monotheism: “hear oh Israel! The lord is our God, the lord aloneness”
Vast depository of the oral Torah with rabbi comments in each chapter
Two versions: Palestinian & Babylonian
A common way of referring to the Hebrew bible derived from the three of the Hebrew names of its three sections
Torah (T), Prophets (N), writings (K)
Th revelation of god’s will to the people
The divine law as especially contained in the first five books of the bible; often called the Torah
Yom Kippur
Day of atonement fasting and prayer for forgiveness of sins
Movement in the 19th century that sought to re-establish a Jewish homeland; since 1948 the general support of the state of Israel
Anti semitism
Hostility towards Jews
Ranging from disapproval to outright persecution
Abbreviation for God used in writing because his name is to holy to write or speak
Torah, prophets and writings
What makes up the Torah
God made a agreement of the covenant first through him
The second one to agree with God and the covenant after Abraham
An agreement between God and the Jewish people
10 commandments
What God revealed to Moses on mt. Sinai