Church History Flashcards
Official teaching of the church who have to interpret and preserve the truths of salvation revealed in both sacred scripted and tradition
Marks of the church
An official teaching of the church of God by and through Christ
Those teachings that are recognized as central to Church teaching , defined by the magisterium, and accorded the fullest weight and authority
All members of the church, not ordained
Based on the word for father. Holy father.
Based on the word overseer. Has received the fullness of the sacrament of holy orders, member of the college o bishops, successor of the apostles
Second of three orders. Called to serve the community of faith and its members by representing and assisting the bishop in teaching, governing, and presiding over the communities worship.
Third degree or level of the sacrament of holy orders. Ordained to assisted priests and bishops in a variety of ministries.
Consecrated life
A state of life recognized by the official church in which a person professes vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
Nuns and monks and Friars
Married to a life of Jesus
Known as particular or local church, the regional community of believers, who commonly gather in parishes, under the leadership of a bishop. At times, a diocese is determined not on the basis of geography but on the basis of language or culture
A letter written by the pope and sent to the whole church and, at times, beyond the church to the whole world; commonly focused on church teach regarding a particular issue or currently important matter
Based on a word for chair, the official church of the bishop of a diocese, at which he is recognized as the chief pastor. The bishops chair symbolizes his teaching and governing authority within the diocese
Edict of Milan
Rule of St. Benedict
Great schism of 1054 AD
West and east split Excommunication Wording of creed Priestly celibacy Unleavened bread in Eucharist Confirmation only by bishops and papal authority
Martin Luther
.wrote the 95 theses
No more selling indulgences
Justification by faith alone
Scripture is the only authority
St. Thomas More
Henry VII
Council of Trent
Responds to martin Luther 1545
The Eucharist