Christian Morality Flashcards
The teachings of Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount in which he describes
Actions and attitudes of Christians by which you can find happiness
Cardinal Values
Common good
Social conditions that allow for all citizens of the eart, individuals and families, to meet basic needs and achieve fulfillment
Interior voice of a person to discern moral wrong from right
A profound change of heart, turning away from sin and toward God
Free will
Gift from God that allows us to choose among various actions which we are held accountable for.
Basis of moral responsibility
Great commandments
Jesus’s summary of the entire law as the love of God and the love of neighbor
Human dignity
Ideas that because all people are created in gods image, they have worth
Catholic social teaching
Human rights
Basic political, social, and economic rights that every human being claims, by virtue of their human dignity as beings created by God. Society cannot grant these rights and must not violate them.
The official teaching authority of the church, tasked to interpret and preserve the truths of salvation in scripture and tradition
Dealing with the good or evil human acts Responsibility Personal freedom Right judgement Decision making
Mortal sin
Grave matter that you do with full knowledge that you are doing this bad thing and you have full control
Natural law
Our God given instinct to be I right relationship with God and others, the world and ourselves
Social doctrine
Everyday lives and how we function in a society
Documents written that address social issues
Social justice
Defense of human dignity by ensuring that essential human needs are met and that essential human rights are protected for all people
Union of ones heart and mind with those who are poor or powerless against injustice
Cato of Christian charity
Act of honoring and preserving Gods creations
Theological values
Name for the God given virtues of faith, hope, and love. These virtues enable us to know God as God and lead us to union with him in mind & heart
Venial sin
Disrupts moral character
Sin not as serious as mortal sin
Something serious u do without knowledge or consent
Habits that lead to mortal sin
A good habit, one that makes within us an inner readiness or attraction to move toward or accomplish moral good. Theological virtues: Faith Hope Love