Judaism Practices Flashcards
What is a synagogue?
It is a building where Jews meet for worship, study, social activities and charitable events.
Why is the Synagogue important to Jews?
-It provides a space for worship and communal pray.
-It helps educate Jews of all ages.
-Hosts a variety of activities for all ages.
What is the interior of a synagogue and what are they?
The Prayer Hall-A room where Jews come together for communal worship and prayer.
Desh-The cabinet where the Torah scrolls are kept, set facing Jerusalum.
The Ner Tamid-A light that is placed above the ark
The Bimah-Is a raised platform where the Torah is read.
What are the two main groups in Judaism?
Orthodox: More traditional
Reformed: More progressive
What is in a Orthodox synagogue service?
-Daily services
-Person leading must have his back to the congregation as he is facing the ark.
-Men and women sit seperately.
What is in a reformed synagogue service?
-No daily services as they focus on celebrating festivals.
-Service is in Hebrew.
-Person leading faces the cobgregation.
-Men and Women sit together.
What is the importance of Prayer?
-Way to communicate with God.
-Brings Jews closer to God.
-Communal prayer strengthens the Jewish community.
What are the two pieces of clothing worn during prayer?
A Tallit-A prayer shawl made from wool or silk.
-A Tefillin-A pair of small leather boxes containing extracts from the Torah.
What is the format of Jewish services.
-Opening prayers are said involving prayers that thank and praise God.
-Shema is recited, Hear,O Israel! The Lord is our God.
-The Amidah is the central prayer of Jewish worship, it is prayed in silence while standing and facing Jerusalem.
What is the Shabbat?
-The holy day of the week, day of rest, starting just before sunset on Fridat and continuing to sunset on saturday.
What is in the Shabbat services.
-Brief services on Friday evenings.
-Some synagogues hold services for family and children which include different activities such as games and music.
What happens on Saturday?
-Main service is on Saturday morning.
-Seevice is longer than the weekday services as it includes a reading from the Torah and a sermon as well as prayers and blessings.
What is a quote to support the Shabbat?
Exodus:20-“Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
What are the Shabbat preparations at home?
-All work done before Friday evening.
-Two candles are placed on the table.
-Two loaves of challah bread are placed on the table.
-Wine or grape juice is placed on the table.
What happens during the lighting of the candles?
-Female member of the family lights the candles and she waves around the candles, then says a blessing and says a prayer asking God to bless the family.
What happens during the Friday meal?
Before the meal the parents bless their children and the head of house recites the Kiddush, to begin the meal the bread is blessed and passed around so everyone has a piece. Meal ends with a prayer of thanksgiving for the food.
Worship in the home?
-Jews are expected to pray three times a day. They have a mezuzot which they touch to show a sign of respect.
What is the Tenakh?
-The Torah-Five books of moses, which form bases of the jewish law.
-The Nevi’im-Eight books that continue to trace Jewish history.
-The Ketuvim-Eleven books that contain a collection of poetry, stories and historica, accounts.
What is the Talmud?
-A commentary by the early rabbis on the Torah, contains a collection of discussions and teachings about how to interpret the Torah and apply its laws to everyday life.
What does Kosher mean?
Food that is acceptable to eat.
What is does Trefah mean?
Food that is unacceptable to eat
What are Jewish dietry laws?
-Animal must be slaughtered with a very sharp knife by a trained Jew.
-Animal must be conscious when killed.
-Blood is drained from the animal as Jews are not permitted to consume food containing blood.
-Orthodox Jews follow the laws strictly, Reform Jews believ it is up to the person to follow them or not.
What are the origins of Yom Kippur?
Jews believe God’s judgment is finalised on this day, so it is the last chance to repent for any sins.
What is Pesach?
A festival that lasts for seven or eight days, it celebrates the Jews’ escape from slavery in Egypt.
What are the origins of Pesach?
-Celebrates the Jews’ escape from slavery in Egypt, after they spent many years wandering in the desert before reaching the land of Canaan.
What are the preparations for Pesach?
-Remove yeast from the home, it recalls how the Jews did not have time to let their bread rise when they escaped from Egypt. After cleaning the house, they hide bread crumbs to find, show all yeast has been removed.
What is the importance of Pesach?
It remembers the final plague that God sent to Egypt to persuade the Pharaoh to release the Jews.
What is the Passover Seder?
It is a special meal, the youngest member of family ask four questions about the meaning of Pesach rituals.
What is the significance of red wine in the passover seder?
-Reminder of the lambs’ blood the Jews smeared on their doorposts to save their children from the final plague.
What are the two ceremonies for newborn Jews?
-Naming ceremony.
-Brit Malah.
What happens during the Naming ceremony?
-In Orthodox families boys and girls are blessed in the synagogue, the father will recite the Torah blessing and then A baby girl’s name will be announced and a boys will be announced at his circumcision.
-In Reform synagogues, both parents will take part in the naming ceremony, which may not be held on the first shabbat after the child’s birth.
-The significance is that it introduces the baby to the community.
What happens dueing the Brit Malah?
-This happens when a baby boy is eight days old.
-Baby is circumcised.
-The significance is that it recalls the covenant with Abraham and it is a reminder to the Jew that they are on God’s chosen people.
What is a Bar Mitzvah?
-Boys celebrate coming of age at 13, it is significant because it is when a Jew is seen as an adult, when a Jew is expected to start following Jewish law strictly and it is when they can become a minyan.
What is a Bat Mitzvah?
-In Reform Judaism, girls celebrate the coming of age at 12, as it signifies then becoming an adult and preparing for it brings Jews closer to god.
What is Marriage?
-A period of engagement called the betrothal, which lasts for a year and then followed by the wedding. It is a way of experiencing holiness in everyday life and it creates a spiritual bond between the couple, where they become one.