Judaism- Plagues on Egypt Flashcards
Name the 10 Plagues on Egypt
- Blood
- Frogs
- Gnats
- Flies
- Livestock
7.Hail - Locusts
- Darkness
- Firstborn
Blood Plague?
The Nile and all the water in Egypt turns into blood. But Pharaoh does not let the Israelites go.
Frogs Plague?
Frogs cover the land of Egypt. Pharoah promises to let the Israelites go but changes his mind.
Gnats Plague?
The dust turns to gnats, which cover the people and animals of Egypt. But Pharoah does not let the Israelites go.
Flies Plague?
Flies fill the houses and land of Egypt. Pharoah promises to let the Israelites go but changes his mind.
Livestock Plague?
All of the livestock of Egyptians die. But Pharoah does not let the Israelites go.
Boils Plague?
Festering boils break out on the Egyptians and their animals. But Pharoah does not let the Israelites go.
Hail Plague?
Hail strikes down everything in the fields- humans, animals and trees. Pharoah asks for forgiveness and promises to let the Israelites go but changes his mind.
Locusts Plague?
Locusts devour every tree and plant in the land of Egypt. Pharoah asks for forgiveness but does not let the Israelites go.
Darkness Plague?
Darkness covers the land of Egypt for three days. Pharoah promises to let Israelites go but changes his mind.
Firstborn Plague?
Every firstborn son and firstborn of the cattle in Egypt dies. Pharoah finally lets the Israelites leave Egypt only to change his mind and pursue them in the Red Sea.