Judaism - Keywords Flashcards
The Almighty means ….
The Shekinah means ….
God’s dwelling place on earth
In Judaism the Mashiach (Messiah) is….
The future Jewish king from the line of King David who is expected to be anointed with holy anointing oil and rule during the Jewish people during Messianic Age
- anointed one, king sent from God
The Messianic Age is….
Future period of time where Jews believe that the Messiah will reign on earth and bring universal peace without any evil
The Covenant at Sinai ( Mosaic Covent )is ……
The covenant that God gave Moses the 613 mitzvot at Mount Sinai
The Covenant with Abraham ( Abrahamic Covenant) is …..
God asks Abraham to do certain things, in return for which he will take special care of them. Jewish men are circumcised as a symbol of this covenant.
The Sanctity of life is…..
The Jewish idea that life is sacred
Pikuach Nefesh describes…..
The principle in Jewish law that the preservation of human life overrides virtually any other religious consideration.
The Torah is…..
The first five books of the Tenakh
The Tenakh is….
Jewish scripture consisting of the Torah, Nevi’im and Kethuvim
Mitzvot are …..
Laws or commandments
- 613 mitzvot
The Talmud is ….
The oral laws of Judaism or laws given to Moses
- it is instruction or learning
Shabbat is…..
The Sabbath
- seventh day, day of rest
Being secular Jew is……
Being born Jewish ( if their mom is Jewish ) but not practicing the Jewish religion
Being an Orthodox Jew is…..
a Jewish group that strictly practice the traditional beliefs of Judaism
- E.g. they don’t have female rabbis
Being a Reformed Jew is …..
a Jewish group a that loosely practices the Jewish practices and adapt from the teachings of Orthodox Jews to make the laws and traditions more modern
Brit Milah is…
A Jewish right of passage for baby boys. Circumcision was a sign of Jews keeping the Covenant with Abraham
Gan Eden is ……
- also known as heaven
the Jewish paradise that is eternal with God
- a pure spiritual heaven
Gehinnom is ……
- also known as hell
is a place of temporary punishment after death
- a place of purification of the soul
Rosh Hashanah - Jewish new year. Jews remember……
The story of creation, it is a time for Jews to reflect on their behaviour.
- attend synagogue
- shofar is blown 100 times
The shofar is a lamb’s…..
Horn ( an ancient instrument )
- it is blown a 100 times
Yom Kippur - A day of …
- it is the holiest day of the year
Jews seek forgiveness from those they have wronged
The Shema is the main Jewish declaration….
Of faith
- Hear o Israel, the Lord our God is one.
The rabbi is the Jewish …..
Teacher or leader
Yeshiva is the….
Jewish school
Barachu is the….
Call to prayer
Kaddish is a……
Prayer of praise blessing God’s name
Minyan is a group of….
Ten or more Jewish men
Tikkun Olam is an….
Act of kindness
Being anointed means being marked…
For greatness by a divine nature
Gentiles are ….
Non Jews
The Nevi’im is the ….
The prophets
- the second part of the Tenakh
Olam-Ha-Ba is about….
The spiritual afterlife or the world to come
Shavuot commemorates……
The anniversary of the day God gave the Torah on Mount Sinai
Brit Milah (Circumcising) is the removal….
Of foreskin on the penis
- sign of the Abrahamic Covenant
Teshuva is returning……
To God or Repentance
Halakhah is the list….
Of the 613 mitzvot
The Kedusha is the third part of….
All the Amidah recitations
Siddur is the …..
Book of daily prayers
Kiddush is the prayer….
Of sanctification
Modeh ani is the….
‘I give thanks‘ prayer
The Mezuzah is a small box at…
The door post with a copy of the Shema
Tallit is a ….
Fringed prayer shawl
- in Orthodox synagogues only men can wear these
- in Reformed synagogues both men and women can wear these
The Tefillin is a small box worn on the head or arm which…..
Contain verses from the Torah
Mikvah is a ritual bath for…..
Challah is the plaited bread used for…
The Shabbat
Havdalah is the closing…
Ceremony of Shabbat
The Bimah is the raised platform where….
The readings
The Yad is a pointer for…
Following the text
The days of awe are the….
Days of repentance
The Chametz is food containing….
Leaven means ….
Haggadah is the Jewish book which….
Sets out rituals for Pesach
Pesach is a…..
- Passover
Pilgrim festival
Hashem Tzevaot is the….
Lord of Hosts
Hashem means…
The name
El Shaddai means……
God Almighty
Kashrut is the Jewish….
Food laws
- meat and dairy should not be mixed including during preparation
- meat should be slaughtered in the correct way
Kosher means …..
- Non Kosher or ‘Treifah’ means torn
In Judaism, at Birth….
Life begins as a baby emerges halfway from the mother’s womb; it is pure and free from sin
- ‘the mother may not touch anything sacred and she must not enter the Sanctuary’
Bar Mitvah is when a boy is…
Seen as an adult. Happens at 13
- they can lead a synagogue service and read from the Torah
Bat Mitzvah is when a girl is…..
Seen as an adult. Happens at 12
- will be taught how to cook challah
- they can lead a synagogue service and read from the Torah IN REFORMED SYNAGOGUES
Aveult means ….
First period of avelut:
Aninut is from the death to burial. It is ….
Usually 24 hours
Second period of avelut:
Shiva is the first seven days after the burial. This is when people…..
Stay at home praying and no work is done
Third period of avelut:
Sheloshim is the first 30 days to complete mourning (including Shiva). People can…
Go back to normal life but they can’t go to parties
The fourth period of avelut:
Yud-bet-chodesh is the additional year of mourning for….
The loss of a parent
The fifth period of avelut:
Yahrzeit is the anniversary of the death. On this anniversary a….
Candle is lit
Sukkot is the …..
Four days after Yom Kippur. It marks the end of the summer and autumn harvest.
The ark stores the…
Torah scrolls
The Ner Tamid is the light above the ark that burns…
At all times as a reminder of God’s eternal nature
The Menorah is the seven branches candlestick which is used….
In the temple as the eternal light
Unit 1 SWA: The Almighty
“And Hashem formed the….
man of dust from the ground”
Genesis 2:7
Unit 1 SWA: The Shekinah
“The glory of Hashem….
filled the Temple.”
2 Chronicles 7:1
Unit 1 SWA: The Messiah
“A king will reign and prosper and he will administer…..
justice and righteousness in the land.”
Jeremiah 23: 5-6
Unit 1 SWA: The Convenant at Sinai
“The entire people responded together and said,
‘Everything that……
Hashem has spoken we shall do.’’
(Exodus 19)
OR: The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20)
Unit 1 SWA: The Covenant with Abraham
“I will ratify my covenant…as an everlasting covenant, to
be a……
God to you and to your offspring after you.”
(Genesis 17:7)
Unit 1 SWA: The Sanctity of Life
“So God created……
Man in His image.”
Genesis 1:27
Unit 1 SWA: Moral Principles and Mitzvots
“I present before you today……
a blessing and a curse.”
Leviticus 23
Unit 1 SWA: Features of a Synagogue
“A multitude of……
people is a kings glory.” (Proverbs 14)
Unit 2 SWA: Public Acts of Worship
“My vows to Hashem I will pay, in the presence of His…..
entire people, in the courtyards of His house.”
(Psalm 116)
Unit 2 SWA: The Tenakh and the Talmud
“If a man has acquired words of the Torah he as attained
afterlife.” (Perkei Avot)
Torah he as attained afterlife.”
Perkei Avot
Unit 2 SWA: Private prayer
“Evening, morning and noon, I supplicate and…..
I moan; and he has heard my voice.”
Psalm 55
Unit 2 SWA: The Shema and Amidah
“Hear O Israel: Hashem is our…..
God, Hashem is the one and only.”
Deuteronomy 6
Unit 2 SWA: Ritual and Ceremony
Brit Milah: “Abraham circumcised his…..
son…as God had commanded Him.”
Genesis 21
Unit 2 SWA: Shabbat
“Between me and the Children it is a sign forever…and on the seventh…..
day He rested and was refreshed.”
Exodus 31
Unit 2 SWA: Festivals
“In the seventh month, on the first of the month, there shall be a rest…….
day for you…you shall offer a fire offering.”
Leviticus 23
Unit 2 SWA: Features of a Synagogue
Ner Tamid is a requirement…..
to kindle a lamp continually.”
Exodus 27