Catholic Christianity - Keywords Flashcards
The trinity is…..
One god of three persons
The Council of Nicea created ….
the Nicene Creed which contained key beliefs about the trinity and underlined that Jesus was fully God as well as being fully man.
The Council of Constantinople developed……
the Nicene Creed to underline that the Holy Spirit was also fully god
A doctrine is…..
A teaching that has been passed on from the early Catholic Church
The creed is……
A formal statement of Catholic beliefs
- ‘I believe’
Imago Dei means….
Being made in the image of a God
Incarnation means….
God became man
- Jesus
The Paschal Mystery is……
the suffering, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus.
Jesus’ suffering is….
His arrest, trial and suffering ( getting beaten, spat on etc. )
Jesus’ death is….
When he dies on the cross
Jesus’ resurrection is…..
When he rose from the dead
Jesus’ ascension is….
When Jesus was taken up into heaven
Redemption means…
Jesus’ life was exchanged for the freedom from sin for all humans
The redemptive efficacy is….
Heaven is….
a place of infinite peace in the presence of God
Hell is….
A place of eternal separation from God.
Purgatory is …..
A preparation for heaven, a place of purification and healing.
Particular judgement is…
After death, a person will go to heaven, purgatory (and then heaven) or hell.
General or last judgement is….
At the end of time. Everyone living or dead will be resurrected and a final and eternal judgement will take place.
A sacrament is ….
‘ an outward sign of an inward gift, instituted by Christ, in order to give grace to human being’
Penitential rite is….
when the people of the Church pray as a group asking God’s forgiveness for their sins
Opening prayer is…..
when the Priest prays with the people of the Church at the beginning of mass
Creed is when……
the people of the Church recite the Nicene Creed (a summary of key Christian
The Liturgy of the Word are the…..
readings and the Gospel (from the Bible).
The Liturgy of the Eucharist is….
the bread and wine change into the body and blood of Jesus through transubstantiation
The vigil service is…..
a period of devotional prayer the evening before the funeral.
The funeral liturgy is when….
the Church gathers together with friends and family of the deceased to give praise to God for the deceased and offer prayers for their soul.
The Rite of Commital…..
Takes place at the cemetery as the coffin is lowered into the
Communion with the deceased is when….
the community are brought together to pray for the deceased person
Proclamation of eternal life this reminds….
the community that death is not the end rather the beginning; we begin our journey to God.
Petition is…
Asking god for your own personal needs.
- exams
Intercession is…
Praying on the behalf of others
- bidding prayers at mass
Repentance is…
Acknowledging their sins and asking for forgiveness
- the ‘i confess to almighty god’ prayer
Thanksgiving is….
Expressing love and gratitude to god
- before meals
Adoration is….
Recognising god is god
- the ‘ glory be’ prayer
Prayer is…
‘The raising of one’s mind and heart to god.
Extempore prayer is the….
Informal prayer of the heart
Formulaic prayer is the…..
other type of prayer with a set structure and set words
Popular piety is…..
The worship that does not follow a strict pattern set out by the church ~ it is non liturgical
- .e.g. The Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, The Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross this is…..
a series of prayers and meditations that focus on the Passion and death of Christ.
Eucharistic Adoration this is where…..
a person prays in front of the Eucharist in Church.
The Rosary this is a……
form of prayer that focuses on the life of Jesus through the eyes of Mary.
A pilgrimage is ….
A journey to a special place of religious significance
CAFOD stands for…….
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
Evangelise/Evangelisation is proclaiming ……
the Gospel to others.
Mission work is going to poorer ….
countries and working to help people in need.
Local evangelisation is through the celebration…..
of the mass, prayer groups, bible studies and youth clubs
National evangelization is through Catholic youth charities like YOUTH 2000 that runs
prayer festivals……
That aims to teach young people from around the country about the sacraments and Catholicism
Global evangelization is through social media and through WORLD YOUTH DAY….
A catholic prayer festival where over a million young people attend.
Law contains guidance …….
on laws to observe
Prophets contains prophecies……
about the Messiah
Historical narrative (History) contains historical……
events of the Jewish people
Revelation is …
God speaking through something
Writings is the Poetic and Wisdom writings told stories and…..
Educated about the nature of God, reality and virtue
Gospels is the ‘Good News’ telling the story of Jesus…..
For Catholics, ‘the Gospels are the heart of all Scriptues’ (CCC 125)
Letters are the formal letters to individuals and groups that……
Document the development of the early Church
The Bible:
The Old Testament contains……
Law, History, Prophets and the Writings.
The Bible:
The New Testament contains…..
Gospels, Letters and Revelation
Conservatives (Catholics) believe that the Bible is the Word of God but……
needs guidance when interpreting from the Magisterium
Literal Christians (Fundamentalists) – the Bible is the direct Word…….
of God and needs no interpretation
Liberal Christians (Liberal Protestants) – the Bible is a human book…….
teaching us about God
Creationists believe in the accounts of….
Creation word for word.
Magisterium is the…..
pope and his senior cardinals. They update the Catechism, interpret the Bible for the modern world, guide Catholics to achieving salvation
Lumen Gentium ( Dogmatic Constitution on the Church ) proposed………
changes to the Church
Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World) teaches…..
that all humans should be treated with dignity
Dei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation) said that…….
the Bible should be read in a Catholic’s own language
The church as the Body of Christ is a phrase from the bible meaning…….
that all of the Church have to work together using their different talents
The Church being one means all Christians…….
are united by faith in Jesus
The church being holy means that the Holy Spirit
works through the Church making it holy
The church being apostolic means that….
It was built by the Apostles
The church be Catholic means that
It is universal and exists around the world
Immaculate Conception means being …..
born without sin
The Virgin Mary means….
That she conceived without sexual activity
2 greatest commandments of Jesus are……..
1) Love the Lord your God with all your heart
2) Love your neighbour as yourself
Church buildings are ….
A place where Catholics gather together to worship
Many churches face the east because…..
The sun rises in the east, as Jesus rose on the day of resurrection
Many churches are cruciform (shaped like a cross) because…..
The cross is a symbol of the church, a reminder of Jesus‘s death and sacrifice
Some churches are a round because…….
They represent the eternal nature of God
Some churches are octagonal because……
They represent a star, bringing light into the world
Many churches have a high vaulted ceiling and spires because…
They connect Heaven and reach towards God
Many churches have stained glass windows because….
They tell stories of saints and from the Bible – useful for when people were illiterate
Churches are used…..
In worship during mass and other sacraments. For others uses like private prayer and popular piety
The lectern is….
A book stand from which readings are proclaimed
Alter is…….
where mass is celebrated
Tabernacle contains…….
the Eucharist
Crucifix is a ……
A cross with an image of the crucified Jesus on
Baptismal font is ……
where baptisms take place
The confessional is ……
small rooms or wooden constructions dedicated to private conversation for the sacrament of reconciliation
The Stations of the Cross are …..
Images from the story of the Passion of Christ
Statues usually…..
At least one of Mary, visually aids to help prayers
- catholics can ask Mary to intercede for them
The water stoup contains holy water….
At the entrance to make the sign of the cross
Stole is a scarf …..
like garment worn by the priest as a symbol of their priesthood
Ciborium contains ……
the hosts during the distribution of communion
Chalice is a …….
silver or gold cup that contains the blood of Christ
Sarcophagi is a tomb like container…..
present in some churches that contains the bones/relics of a saint
Paten is a…..( plate )
Large host used by the priest
Sacred vessels are…..
Important in the celebration of the Eucharist
Hunger cloths are……
Cloths used to cover the altar during lent in the Middle Ages. They were covered in images of stories from the bible to help the illiterate understand the stories of the bible
The crucifix reminds Catholics…..
of the suffering, death and love of Jesus
Mosaic is a series of ceramic squares…..
used to create a picture that tells the story of the life of a saint or Jesus
Fresco were paintings…..
rendered on fresh plaster (often on Church ceilings)
Icon is a holy image….
painted in a certain style on wood
The cross is a symbol of……
Christ’s suffering and love for humanity
The dove is a symbol of…..
the Holy Spirit
A fish is used to symbolize Christianity……
as many of the disciples were fishermen
The Chi-Ro is a symbol using……
the first two Greek letters to spell Christ
look up the picture
The eagle symbolises…..
Jesus’ divine nature
The alpha and omega show…..
The eternal nature of Jesus- from the first to the last - as these letters the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet
Mystery plays were medieval dramas produced……
by travelling actors that taught a message of Christianity
Passion plays were about…..
The story of Jesus which were popular in medieval times
Hymns – Songs of praise. Presenting beliefs, ……
sentiments and experiences. (Example – For all the Saints)
Plainchant – unaccompanied chanting used in monastic prayer…..
as a form by monks (e.g. Benedictine). Use of the human voice reflects Catholic belief and awe in God. (Example – Agnus Dei)
Psalms – sacred songs from the Old Testament composed by King David. These are sung…..
or read during the mass during the liturgy of the word. (Example – Psalm 94)