Catholic Christianity - Sacrements Flashcards
What is it ?
The ceremony that welcomes a person into the family of God
What happens ?
- parent and godparents say vows.
- priest pours water over infant’s head in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit ( Trinity )
- infant is anointed with oil of chrism
- infant receives white garment and candle lit from Paschal candle
Why is it important ?
- person becomes a son/ daughter of God and a member of the church
- person is freed from original sin, by sharing in the new life that comes from the Paschal Mystery
‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them ‘
Matthew 28:19
What is it?
Receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit to encourage a faithful life.
What happens?
- candidates renew their baptismal promises
- they take a new name
- they are anointed with oil of Chrism: ‘be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit’
Why is it important?
- it strengthens faith ready to become a mature, active Catholic
- candidates receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
‘ the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things ‘
John 14:26
What is it?
- receiving the body and blood of Jesus Christ
What happens ?
- bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Christ ( transubstantiation)
- received weekly or daily
Why is it important?
- receiving the real presence of Christ in a physical way
- uniting the Catholic community through the Mass
‘ this is my body…. This is my blood’ ( Mark 14:22 - 24 )
What is it ?
The forgiveness of sins
What happens?
- contrition: genuine repentance for sins
- confession: admitting to sins
- absolution: forgiveness from God
- penance: act to show repentance
Why is it important?
- removes spiritual illness of sin
- restores relationship with God and community
- ‘ receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained
John 20
Anointing of the sick:
What is it?
- healing and forgiveness of sins in preparation for the journey into the next life.
Anointing of the sick:
What happens ?
- priest lays hands on the person
- sins are absolved
- anointing takes place with oil
Anointing of the sick:
Why is it important?
- gives strength in sickness and suffering
- prepares an individual for death
Anointing of the sick:
- ‘cast out many demons,and anointed with oil many that were sick and healed them.
Mark 6:13
What happens?
- the joining together of two people as one in marriage
What happens?
- solemn promises (vows) made
- exchange of rings
- signing of register ( legal part of the ceremony)
Why is it important?
- two people give themselves permanently and exclusively
- they are open to procreation and new life
‘So they are no longe4 two but one.
Matthew 19:6
Holy Orders:
What is it?
The giving of a distinct mission within the Church
Holy Orders:
What happens?
- laying on of hands
- prayer of consecration
- given paten and chalice to celebrate the Eucharist
Holy orders:
Why is it important?
Priesthood establishes Christ’s presence throughout the ages in the sacrements
Holy orders:
Do this in remembrance of me
Luke 22:19
What are the initiation sacrements?
-Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
What are the Healing sacrements?
- Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
What are the Vocational Sacrements?
Matrimony (marriage) and Holy Orders