Judaism Beliefs And Teaching Flashcards
What does the T stand for in Tenakh
It is the Torah - written ( first five books) eg. Genesis , 613 commandments.
What does the N stand for in Tenakh?
It stands for Nebi’m - prophets . Books about lives and teachings of the prophets, through who God spoke.
What does the K stand for in Tenakh
The ketium - the writings that contains poetry stories advice, eg. Psalms.
What are the Two main categories of Jewish belief ?
Orthodox Jews and Reform Jews.
Belief in one God.
Abraham’s desendents are known as Jews.
Who were the Israelites?
Large numbers of followers who became known as Israelities.
To watch over Abraham and his followers.
Special people
To protect Abraham and his followers.
They are Dedicating their lives to God.
Promised land
The holy land to putting all his faith in God .
That every male descendent must be Circumsied when he is Eight days old.
Name the Ten Commandments
- Have no other God before me
- Don’t bow to man made things .
- Don’t misuse God’s name .
- Kept the sabbath day holy
- Honour your parents
6 Do not kill - Do not commit Adultery
- Do not steal
- Do not lie
- Do not Covant
What is a Covenant?
An agreement between God and his people, the Jews.
A religion that believes there is only one God.
What does God as one mean?
God is a single, whole, invisible being.
All Powerful
All knowing
Everywhere at all times.
Where is the belief in God as one expressed?
It is in the Shema - an important Jewish prayer.
What does Jews believe that God is
He is the creator and sustainer and Lawgiver.
Commandment (Laws)
Pikuach Nefesh
It allows Jews to break an law in order to save a life.
Sanctity of Life
What are the three moral principle?
Kindness to others
Healing the world
Leader of the Jewish people expected to live on Earth.
Oral law
Is the Jewish holy day.
The Promised land
The holy land to putting all his faith in God.
They are dedicating their lives to God.
What does the Shema say?
Hear o Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with your might. Deuteronomy 6 v 4-5
What does the Shema teach Jews?
It teaches them to he loyal to God, to love him and be dedicated to him.
What impact does the Jewish teaching of God being one have for a jew? (4 reasons)
- God is a single, whole, indivisible being
- God is the only one who should be worshipped
- Everything in universe has been created by God
God is source of Jewish beliefs, morality and values
What happened on the first four days of creation?
God made the universe fit to support life.
What did God make on the fifth and sixth days?
Animals and humans
What does the seventh day of creation have to do with Shabbat?
God rested on the seventh day so when Jews celebrwte Shabbat they are reminded of God’s role as creator.
Do Jews believe in a 6 day creation.?
Some orthodox Jews do take the account in Genesis literally and believe that creation happened 6000 years ago. They can reject scientific views of evolution. However, some Jews intepret the creation story more like a metaphor. They still believe that God is the creator but the 6 days are not 24 hour days but periods of time.
What does Isaiah 45 v 6-7 say? Use for argument for free will
I am the Lord and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe - i the Lord do these things.
Did God create evil?
The belief that God created everything means that God must have created evil. If people are to choose to love, then they must be free to choose not to love too.
What is the divine presence of God called on earth?
What is Mitzvot?
Mitzvot teach people how to behave - there are 613 laws in The Torah. The first ten are the ten commandments
Where was the Shekinah found in the Jewish writings?
In early Judaism the Tabernacle housed the Shekinah, the divine presence of God. Then after wandering in the wilderness Solomon’s temple housed his presence.