Judaism Beliefs Flashcards
Jewish rules or commandments (there are 613 rules).
Being all powerful, all knowing and being everywhere.
Pikuach Nefesh
The obligation to save a life
The divine prescence of God (Tenakh).
A Jewish praying staling beliefs in one God.
Belief in one God
Orthodox Jews
An Orthodox Jew is someone who is very strict to the rules that are in place.
Reform Jews
Reform Jews are people who are not as strict to the rules as they should if they want to be the best Jewish person.
Life after death.
Name the 2 states that Jews believe in when you die?
They do not believe in hell
Name 2 things Jewish people believe about God?
He is all living and all powerful
How is God a judge or lawgiver?
Jews believe God is judging humans everyday of every moment.
Why do some Jews write G-d?
To be repectful to him and don’t want to reveal his full name because he is too powerful for that.
The Messiah:
What do reform Jews believe about the Messiah?
There will not be a Messiah
What do Orthodox Jews believe about the Messiah?
The Messiah will bring world peace.
Mitzvot and Moral Principles:
How many Mitzvot rules/commandments are there?
There are 613 mitzvot rules/commandments.
How many positive Mitzvot rules are there?
There are 248 Mitzvot rules/commandments.
These rules explain what Jews should follow to become a good Jew, help to get closer to G-d and help the world.
How many negative Mitzvot rules/commandments are there?
There are 365 negative Mitzvot rules/commandments.
These are the rules Jewish people should not follow if they want to be a good Jewish person.
Name 2 positive Mitzvot rule/commandment.
You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
Honour your Mother and Father.
Name 2 negative Mitzvot rules/commandments.
You shall not worship any other G-d’s.
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
You shall not murder.