Incarnation Flashcards
Christian Symbols
Catholics highly value symbols as they can convey deep religious truths.
What are the three symbols?
The 3 symbols are the ICHTHUS, CHI-RHO and Alpha and Omega.
What does the word Incarnation mean?
It means made flesh. Carne means meat.
What is the deeper meaning if Incarnation?
Incarnation is Jesus being fully human and fully God.
Jesus experienced human life-good and bad times (he felt hunger, fear, suffered and died) all things that humans will have.
Statues/artwork of Jesus
Name two examples of Jesus artwork
“Christ the Redeemer” (statue of Jesus in Brazil).
The Crucifix
What is an advantage of having a statue of Jesus?
Christians believe that a statue of Jesus can help people to concentrate on aspects of Jesus’ teachings of life.
What is a disadvantage of having a statue of Jesus?
Christians believe that it is wrong to depict Jesus in art, as the second commandment forbids using images in worship. As well as people think we shouldn’t have art of Jesus because we don’t know what he looke like.
What God the Father and us humans have?
God the Father had divine nature but not human nature. Us humans have human nature but not divine nature.
What is Grace?
Grace is God’s free gift by his unconditional love to the believer. Grace is God’s love and we need it to be saved. It is free but we ahve to ask for it.
How do we receive Grace?
We receive it to be willing to accept God and not to take his sacrifice for granted.
What is abortion?
It is the delliberate termination of a pregnacy.
What are reasons for having an abortion?
Every women has the choice to do what she wants with her baby.
If the women has been raped/ she wouldn’t be able to choose to have one.
If the baby won’t live a good life.
What are reasons against having an abortion?
Life is a gift from God and only he should end it
Life starts at conception and an unborn child has the right to be protected.
Even if a women has been raped, the Catholic Church says the baby can be adopted
Imago Dei
What is Imagi Dei?
All Christians believe that humans are made in the ‘image of God’-imago dei in Latin.
All human life is holy.
Catholics believe life begins at conception.
What is the Annunciation?
When the Angel Gabriel asked Mary to be the mother of the Son of God.
Evidence that life begins as conception.
After the Annunciation Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth who is pregnant.
When Mary greets Eliszabeth, Elizabeth is fulfilled with the Holy Spiritand reacts to the presence of Jesus.
A quote to remember.
“As soon as I heard your greeting, the child in my womb leapt for joy”
For Catholics this verse is clear proof that human life starts at conception and from this moment the whole person is present.