Judaism Flashcards
How many Jews are in the world?
15 million:
4.5 million in Israel
7 million in the U.S
1 million in countries that used to be part of the USSR
2 million throughout other European countries
When did Israel become a state?
In 1948 after WW2
Jews believe in one god, what is this called?
What is god called?
Yahweh, G-d, Jehovah, YHWH, Adonai
Where was Abraham called out of?
Ur, Mesopotamia to Caanan
Who are the three patriarchs of Judaism?
Abraham, Issac, and Israel(Jacob)
What do people in Judaism follow?
The Law of God
The Torah, first five books of the Christian Bible
Talmud and the Mishnah
What were the ten plagues?
1: Water becomes blood
2: Frogs
3: Lice
4: Flies
5: Diseased Livestock
6: Boils
7: Hail
8: Locusts
9: Darkness
10: Death of every First-born
What is the Passover?
Kill a male lamb or goat 1 year or younger without defect
Sprinkle the lamb’s blood on the side and upper door posts of the home’s entryway
Cook and eat the meat with unleavened bread and bitter herbs
What are the three different types of Jews?
Orthodox Jews: follow the oldest and most conservative. Largest group of Jews.
Reform Jews: Liberal, comprised of mostly North American Jews started in 1790’s Germany. Follow ethical laws of Judaism, but leave it up to the individual to decide whether to follow or ignore the dietary and other traditional laws. They are more relaxed than the Orthodox.
Conservative Jews: in the mid-nineteenth century. It is in between Orthodox and Reform. Its goal is to avoid changing the religion to simply conform to cultural norms.
What are the Ten Commandments?
1: You shall have no other gods before me
2: You shall not make for yourself a carved image and worship it
3: You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain
4: Remember the Sabbath day, keep it holy
5: Honor thy father and thy mother
6: You shall not murder
7: You shall not commit adultery
8: You shall not steal
9: You shall not lie
10: Don’t want for more than what you have
What is Kosher?
Exodus 34:26-Do not mix meats and cheeses
Leviticus 11:1-31-Do not eat unseparated hooves and animals that do not chew cud;fish that do not have scales or fins; any bird that prey;
To make sure an animal is kosher:
- by the knife that has no knicks
- the animal without any blemishes/in perfect health before killed
- cannot eat sciatic nerve
- cannot eat back half of the animal
- cannot eat blood
- no pepperoni pizza
- dairy set of dishes/meat set of dishes
- dairy sink/non-dairy sink
- some people use dairy stove/non-dairy stove
- to kosher a dish a rabbi must do it
- cannot eat meat meal with cheese meal-you have to wait 1-3 hours before you eat opposite.
- Bar/Bat Mitzvahs are modern
Who are the three patriarchs of Judaism?
Abraham, Issac, and Jacob
What role did Moses play in the history of the Hebrew people and the development of Judaism?
He led the Hebrew people out of Egypt; Most important prophet
Where was Abraham called out of?
The land of Ur, Mesopotamia