judaism Flashcards
What is a synagogue?
A prayer of worship/study and house of assembly
What is shekinah?
Divine presence of God
What is Shabbat
Day of spiritual renewal and rest
What is kosher?
Fit or proper foods
What is the Torah?
Five books of moses
What is the mitzvot?
613 laws
What is the messiah?
The anointed one
What is a covenant?
A promise or agreement between two parties
What religion is Judaism
Where did god give Moses the 10 commandments
Mount sinai
What are the 10 commandments
Rules Jews must follow
When is Shabbat and what does it represent?
- every week
- way of remembering creation and showing respect for god
When does Shabbat begin and end?
Begins = sunset on Friday evening
Ends = nightfall on saturday
How do we know God is one in terms of evidence?
- no statues made of him
- shema states lord is one
- 10 commandments state ‘worship one god’
How is god is a creator?
‘Let us make mankind in his image’ God created humans so life is sacred and protected
‘Let there be light’
God created everything in the universe using words = omnibenevolent
What mitzvot relate to dietary laws?
- no unclean animals
- no shellfish
- no meat with dairy
What mitzvot relate to treatment of non Jews
- love stronger
- do not marry with non jews
What mitzvot relate to poor
- give to charity
What mitzvot relate to war
- don’t destroy fruit trees in battle
What are reform Jews
- laidback
- adapt mitzvot to the times they are living in
What are Orthodox Jews
- strict
- Jews see the mitzvot as a direct duty from God so they always follow it
What about the 10 commandments
- 4 commandments are how to worship God
- 6 other commandments are how to treat others
What was the covenant with Abraham?
- god asked Abraham to leave his land and promised him a son
- Issac is born
- god asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac but was stopped
What is Abraham seen as?
Father of monotheism and establishes everlasting covenants with God