JUDAISM Flashcards
What is the Shema and what does it say?
The Shema is a prayer recited twice daily to remind Jews of a key belief:
‘Hear O Israel, The Lord Our God, The Lord is one’
This is found in Deuteronomy.
What is a Mezuzah?
A parchment inscribed with religious texts and attached in a case to the doorpost of a Jewish house as a sign of faith.
What are the Mitzvot and how many are there?
The Mitzvot are laws given to Jewish people by God so that they are able to live in a way that pleases him. There are 613 in total. (including the 10 commandments) Moses received these laws atop Mount Sinai.
What are the 3 characteristics of god?
THE CREATOR - God created the world and everything In it. He created humans from dust. ‘And Hashem God formed the man of dust from the ground, and He blew into his nostrils the soul of life.’ (Genesis). The Torah teaches that the world belongs to God because he created it.
THE LAWGIVER - God gave humanity the 613 Mitzvot via Moses on Mount Sinai.
THE JUDGE - Jews believe God will judge them for how righteously they lived. Those who abided to his laws will be rewarded, those who have not will be punished.
Why are the characteristics of God important to Jews today?
The characteristics of God remind Jews about the principle of monotheism within their religion. Mezuzahs are present as a reminder of this.
Also, the characteristics remind Jews that they will be judged and should therefore ensure they live righteously and obey the laws given to them.
Who is the Messiah?
The Messiah is a righteous king descended from King David who Jews believe God will send to intervene with israel’s leadership and unite people regardless of race, culture, or religion.
What does the word ‘Messiah’ mean?
The anointed one.
What are the 3 things the messiah will do when he arrives?
Rebuild the temple in jerusalem
Bring a messianic age
Bring awareness of god to all people
How can jews experience the shekinah today?
Study of scripture
Worship - The Ner Tamid is a light that burns in the synagogue to show god’s presence.
Prayer - The Talmud says that if 10 or more jews pray together, god will be present.
What is a Minyan?
A group of 10 or more praying together.
What is Olam Ha-Ba?
Olam ha ba relates to jewish beliefs about the afterlife. It means ‘the world to come’
What do reform Jews believe about the Messianic age vs Orthodox Jews?
Reform believe that the Messianic age can be brought about by all people uniting to form a better world together, not just by one man.
Orthodox believe that the Messianic age will be triggered when the Messiah arrives.
What are the 10 commandments?
- do not have any other gods.
- do not make or worship idols.
- do not disrespect/misuse god’s name.
- remember the sabbath and keep it holy.
- honour your father and mother.
- do not commit murder.
- do not commit adultery.
- do not steal.
- do not tell lies.
- do not be envious of others.
Why are the 10 commandments important to jews today?
they help jewish people to be better people, remind them how to worship and praise god, and remind them god will judge them for their actions.
What is the tenakh?
The 24 collected books of the jewish bible. It consists of the torah, the nevi’im and the ketuvim.
Why is abraham important?
He is believed to be the founder of judaism and he sealed the covenant with god with circumcision by circumcising all males in his family including himself.
What is the sanctity of life?
The idea that all life is special and belongs to god. Pikuach Nefesh relates to this.
What is Pikuach nefesh?
The jewish principle that anything that can be done to save a life should be done.
What are the jewish laws that cannot be overriden in any circumstance, even to save a life?
Idolatry, Incest, Adultery, Murder.
How are free will and the mitzvot related?
Jews believe God gave them free will, and so it is one’s choice to follow the mitzvot. However, those that do not will be punished and those that do will be rewarded.
Examples of ‘mitzvah’ (good deeds)
Visiting the sick
Feeding the poor
Comforting the mourning.
Why do jews obey the mitzvot
To show gratitude to god, to improve relationship with God and because the mitzvot are seen as a gift.
What are the 3 main acts of worship performed at the synagogue
Daily, Shabbat and festival services.
SOWA about public worship
The tenakh suggests there is much value in public worship in psalms.
Why is public worship important?
It fulfils one of the mitzvot, unites the jewish community and allows jews to show love to god which is a requirement of the torah.
What is the Talmud?
The talmud is the ORAL jewish law, made to help interpret laws from the tenakh.
What is kashrut?
Kashrut are the jewish food laws that determine whether something is KOSHER or TREFAH.
What foods are Kosher?
Animals with Cloven Hoofs, which Chew cud.
Fish with fins and scales.
What foods are Trefah?
Mammals with no hooves
All shellfish
Birds of prey
What are parev foods?
Neutral foods such as pasta, rice or vegetables. They must be washed properly.
What is the word for foods that are not allowed
What is the word for foods that are allowed
What is the word for neutral foods.
Why are both private and public prayer important?
private prayer is important to allow jews to have personal conversations with god and request guidance. public prayer allows jews to thank god and praise him to ensure they are not just focusing on themselves.
What is the amidah?
The standing prayer central to worship services. Jews face jerusalem whilst doing this.
What is the amidah made up of?
19 blessings, split into 3 sections:
What are the birth rituals for the mother?
She attends the mikveh (a ritual purification bath) and must undertake a ritual cleaning. This is required by the book of leviticus.
What is the name of the birth ceremonies for boys and girls?
The circumcision ceremony for BOYS is called Brit Milah.
The naming ceremony for GIRLS is called simchat bat.
What is the Kiddush?
A blessing recited over wine sanctifying the sabbath and festival days.
What is Rosh Hashannah?
The two day festival celebrating the jewish new year.
What is Yom Kippur?
The ‘day of atonement’ considered the holiest day of the year.
Features of the Synagogue include:
Ark (where the torah scrolls are stored)
Bimah (raised speaking platform representative of an altar)
Ner Tamid (an everlasting light that represents the shekinah)
Synagogues face towards jerusalem. This reminds jews of the temple.
What are the pilgrim festivals?
What are the bar and bat mitzvahs?
These ceremonies (held for boys at 13 and girls at 12 or 13) represent coming of age and for boys the introduction into jewish adulthood.
What is the name of the 19 blessing prayer used central to services?
Where was the promised land?
What is the shelter a Jewish wedding happens under?
Chuppah. it represents the couple’s home.
What is the Ketubah?
The important marriage contract where the groom makes promises to his bride.
Why does the couple smash the glass?
The glass has several interpretations, from representing how the temple was destroyed to representing how a marriage should be protected.
What are the mourning processes after death?
Shiva, Avelut and Yahrzeit.
What happens when a Jew discovers the death of a loved one?
They tear their clothes to show grief. A funeral is arranged ASAP and the body is usually not left alone.
What is some SOWA for the funeral rite?
Jacob is gathered to his people when he dies. Genesis
Who was Jacob?
AKA israel, he was the hebrew patriarch that was the grandson of Abraham.
What is Shiva?
The first 7 days of mourning after burial. Some Jews do not leave the house.
What is Avelut?
The first year after burial. This is only done if a person has lost their parent. A sacred blessing called the KADDISH (not to be confused with kiddush) is said daily, and the person does not attend parties.
What is Yahrzeit?
The anniversary of a person’s death. The night before, a candle is lit in remembrance, and is kept burning for 24 hours. Kaddish is said on this day.
How do different beliefs practice the funeral rite?
Orthodox Jews observe it very strictly, but Liberal Jews may not.