cordillern folds
mountain range
Pre-Crambian shields
continental shields
prediction of future
og condition
the moment we realize that smtg is imp to us.
How do geological phenomena help us to know about the history of humankind;
The geological phenomenon of separating various continents and water bodies from one compact landmass tells us about the age of existence of human race on the earth.
Six-hundred-and-fifty million years ago, no human race existed on the earth because the environment was too warm. After the time when the dinosaurs were wiped out, the the envirostatent was ting ward after the separation of landmass, the human race started flourishing on the earth and the globe was shaped as we know it now.
What are the indications for the future of humankind?
The future of the humankind can get in danger if the emission of carbon-dioxide and other poisonous gases go on in the same manner. These gases deplete the ozone layer and allow the ultra-violet rays of the sun to enter the earth’s environment. This causes the rise in temperature of the earth and giving rise to the phenomenon called global warming. Increased temperature can melt the ice of the Antarctica, and cause other environmental problems including over-heating of the earth’s surface. Thus, jeopardising the future of human kind.
‘The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica’. How is the study of this region useful to us?
Around 500 million years ago, Gondwana, the giant supercontinent disordered into countries which exist today. Antarctica then was at the centre of Gondwana. The study of Antarctica gives us knowledge about where we have come from, and where we are heading. It can help us understand the past, the present and the future of our globe.
What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students in the Students on
Ice expedition?
Geoff Green had always carted celebrities and retired rich people to Antarctica. He visualised that they would give back in a very limited way. He thus, took school students in his expedition as they would be the future policy-makers. At that age, they were competent to absorb, learn, and to act. By taking those students to the end of the world, a new understanding and respect for our planet would be fostered.
“Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves.” What is the relevance of this statement in the context of the Antarctica environment?
Antarctica has simple ecosystem and lacks biodiversity. Every little change has huge repercussions there. This is easily seen in Antarctica. For instance, the tiny single-celled grasses or phytoplankton use sun’s energy to synthesise organic compounds. They help to sustain the whole food chain in the southern seas. Scientists warn that further depletion of the ozone layer will affect the activities of phytoplankton, which in turn will affect the lives of all marine animals and birds. It may even disrupt the global carbon cycle. Take care of the phytoplankton and the entire food chain will take care of itself.
Why is Antaretica the place to go to understand the earth’s present, past and future?
Antarctica gives us an idea, how the earth would have been like millions of years ago and how it got divided into various earth masses. The melting and colliding ice masses also give us an insight into how our future is going to be, if we continue with interference in the working of the nature. Moreover, Antarctica holds into the depths of its ice half-million year old carbon records, which are helpful in understanding the past, present and future of the earth. Therefore, Antarctica is the place which reveals our past, shows our present and visualizes our future.
Antarctica is a doorway to the past. Explain.
Antarctica is the place to study the Earth’s past history. It can help us understand better the formation of continents and mountains like the Himalayas as they are in the modern world. It’s ice-cores hold over half-million-year old carbon records that are vital to study the Earth’s past, present and future.
For the narrator spending two weeks in Antarctica is a challenge not only for the body but also the mind. Elaborate.
The narrator calls her trip to Antarctica a journey to the end of the earth. She was wondered at the sight of the large continent, its isolation and serenity. She could not believe the fact that once India and Antarctica were the part of the same land mass. She felt that she had reached to the part history.
Based on the chapter, elucidate any three consequences that global warming will have on Antarctica.
Antarctica is the perfect place to study the effects that global warming is causing. It is here that one can see the effect of melting glaciers and collapsing ice-shelves and how this is likely to raise the water levels in the sea and the ocean, as a result of which low lying regions will be submerged under water.