Jones Flashcards
how long does it take u 2 make choice n execute command when choosing between 2 things
what makes up the CNS vs. peripheral nervous system (broad)
CNS = brain + spinal cord; peripheral nervous system (PNS) = everything else
what can the PNS b divided in2
- somatic nervous system - part of nervous system interacting w/ external enviro →
afferent n efferent nerves - autonomic nervous system (regulating body’s internal enviro)
afferent n efferent nerves (efferent nerves here further divide into parasympathetic n sympathetic nervous systems)
afferent vs. efferent nerves
afferent = input/info going in; efferent = output
parasympathetic vs. sympathetic nervous system
- parasympathetic: relaxation (‘rest + digest’)
- sympathetic: involved in physiological arousal (‘fight or flight’)
describe the 12 cranial nerves connected directly 2 brain
- each cranial nerve sends signals 2 brain (e..g. info that’s been computed thru sense organs)
- all cranial nerves part of PNS, save cranial nerve #2 (optic nerve) which is part of CNS
name (+ loosely describe) the 31 pairs of spinal nerves which r connected via spinal cord
- nerves exit or come in frm above or below vertebrae
- cervical nerves = nerves C1-C8
- thoracic nerves = T1-T12
- lumbar nerves = L1-L5
- sacral nerves = S1-S5
- coccygeal nerves (right @ spine base)
how do u get the sensory dermatome (covers entirety of body) frm nerves?
each nerve encodes a diff part of the body
does the dorsal or ventral part of spine receive sensory input
dorsal (which is on back of spine btw)
motor neuron that executes command (output) is situated on which side of spine
ventral side (front of spine)
2 most significant portions of forebrain?
- telencephalon - bulk of outer portion of brain (w folds), most interested in outermost layer (avg. 2.5mm thick)
- diencephalon - has thalamus !
describe telencephalon in Greater detail - what stains can u use 2 look @ it, what do they show/find
- contains 6 layers of neocortex, stain brain cells 2 look @ them
use Nissl stain (only stains cell bodies) 2 look @ organisation of cortex cells - how r they packed - Golgi stain (only taken up by some cells, but spreads) - shows wiring of cortex/how cells connect 2 each other)
- find: cortex arranged into 6 distinct layers based on cell numbers, arrangement, n connectivity
midbrain ?
connects forebrain + hindbrain
what’s in the hindbrain
- metencephalon
- myelencephalon
what’s the main site of input in a neuron
dendrites duh…
describe axon hillock .
cone-shaped place in junction between soma + axon in neuron
nodes of Ranvier?
situated in gaps between myelin in neuron
what r ‘buttons’ in a neuron
endings of axon branches which release chemicals in2 synapses
what is a neuron’s membrane potential
- separation of charge between inside + outside of cells
- inside of cell kept negative (has approx. -70mV difference compare 2 outside)
what r ions
charged particles w either extra or missing electrons in outer shell
cell membrane structure
channel protein, signal protein, lipid bilayer
what creates resting difference in charge between inside + outside of neuron - v broad view
have pumps in cells membrane which set up situation where more sodium is outside (Na+; positively charged)
how many extra electrons does Na+ have
single extra
is potassium (K+) negative or positive
it litch says positive…..
how many electrons is chloride (Cl-) missing
what r channels in the neuron context
protein complexes that bridge inside n outside of cells
→ establishment of certain gradients
what’s the concentration gradient like 4 neurons (resting)
concentration highest 4 Na+ outside of cell (wants 2 drift n equilibrate)
what’s the electrical gradient looking like 4 neurons
positive valence (frm outside neuron) attracted 2 inside of cell (negativity)
how is info transmitted w/in a neuron
by transient alterations in the membrane potential produced when ions r allowed 2 cross membrane
when ur looking @ graded potentials, where r u measuring membrane potential frm in the neuron
in dendrite
what r EPSPs
- graded potentials generated @ synapses r EPSPs (excitatory postsynaptic potentials)
- they depolarise cell (make inside more positive, more likely 2 fire action potential)
when ur looking @ APs, where in neuron r u measuring membrane potential frm
axon !
what threshold of intensity is sufficient 2 induce an AP
axon doesn’t respond 2 input until it reaches threshold of intensity (-55mV)
describe summation !
if enough EPSPs arrive @ trigger zone b4 they fade, they can build on each other 2 trigger AP (lasting abt 1ms)
describe the voltage-gated sodium channel
as cell becomes lil bit depolarised, these channels open allowing more sodium 2 come in
as sodium flows in2 channel, it depolarises local membrane enough 2 open neighbouring sodium channel (gives u massive overshoot during AP)
Describe the Hodgin-Huxley cycle
synaptic potential or receptor potential
→ depolarisation of membrane
→ opening of voltage-gated sodium channels
→ sodium going in2 cell
→ further depolarisation etc.
how long do voltage-gated sodium channels stay open
1/2 a ms
when do sodium channels close..
once u get 2 abt +50mV
how does Hodgkin-Huxley cycle end
Na+ (sodium) channels open
→ K+ (potassium) channels open (rising phase)
→ Na+ channels close
→ K+ channels start 2 close (repolarisation)
→ hyperpolarisation
define hyperpolarisation (simple)
membrane potential become more negative <3
define repolarisation
K+ leaving cell en masse 2 regain negative charge b4 rebalancing
Na+ K+-ATPase pump - what does it do
maintains the gradient of a higher concentration of Na+ extracellularly + higher level of K+ intracellularly
how do APs move along axon (ignoring myelination) + what r the issues w that
- AP moves along axon thru depolarising enough 2 get each Na+ channel 2 open + then moving on2 next one
- BUT … AP velocity solely thru opening + closing of Na+ channels is only 0.5-2 metres per second (wayy too slow)
ok so how does myelination help w AP conduction velocity
if nodes get more Na+ channels being opened, then myelin conducts that potential faster 2 the next node (opens more Na+ channels)
conduction velocity of up 2 100+ metres per second !!
myelin sheath def (simple)
mix of fat n protein (insulation like on a wire)
multiple sclerosis is a result of demyelination (when myelin sheath is lost or starts 2 degenerate)… what r the symptoms?
- slow, staggered movement
- impacts on cognition, vision
how long for neural impulse 2 travel frm toe to spine + back
~20 ms
photopic vision. go
cones have this, gives them high acuity colour vision in good lighting
scotopic vision. go
rods have this, it’s poorer acuity achromatic vision in low-light levels
why do cones have high visual acuity
bc they have low convergence - single cone signals 2 single bipolar cell 2 single retinal ganglion cell
why do rods have low visual acuity
lots of convergence, pathway goes:
lots of rods
→ less bipolar cells
→ 1 retinal ganglion cell
where r intrinsically photosensitive RG cells (ipRGC) located + why
- mostly located on lower 2/3s of the retina
- this is bc blue light mainly comes thru sky, so wld mostly be hitting bottom of retina (looking @ blue light centre-on has biggest effect)
what do the signals of ipRGC do
signals sent 2 the brain govern production of cortisol (day) + melatonin (evening n night)
what photopigment do ipRGC use + where do their axons project 2
- use photopigment melanopsin (this is maximally sensitive 2 blue light)
- axons project 2 the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) instead of image-forming parts of brain
synaptic transmission - what happens !
nerve impulse (electrical signal) arrives @ presynaptic terminal
→ drives voltage-gated calcium channel 2 open, calcium flows in
→ synaptic vesicle fuses w membrane + NTs r released (chemical signal) on2 the NT receptor
→ bind 2 NT receptor on postsynaptic cell
→ once vesicle content has been spilled out, pulled back up in2 synaptic terminal + loaded w NTs, stored until new AP arrives
the main excitatory NT in nervous system is glutamate . describe it/what it does
- it’s an amino acid
- once released, binds 2 receptors sensitive 2 it (many have ion channels)
→ ion channels open, Na+ flows in2 cell
→ causes depolarisation of postsynaptic cell, results in EPSP
main inhibitory NT is GABA . what does it do
binds 2 GABA receptors (often attached 2 Ka+ channels)
–> Ka+ flows out, inside of cell becomes even more negative than b4 (hyperpolarisation of membrane)
–> inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP; less likely 4 neuron 2 fire)
in which 3 layers of the eye does depolarisation take place (in a flow-y way)
RGCs, bipolar cells, + photocreceptors r all glutamatergic/releasing glutamate)
which cells in the eye release GABA/ r inhibitory
horizontal + amacrine cells release GABA
→ inhibits synapses 2 their left + right (lateral spread of inhibition)
is lateral inhibition an opponent process (and what is an opponent process)
- yaa
- opponent process is when 2 nervous system processes r Competing
how does simultaneous contrast work (in this example, 2 squares - one has light background, one has dark)
- one w lighter background triggers activation of more cones sending signals
→ greater lateral inhibition (via GABA-producing cells)
→ will appear darker, bc competing neighbouring cones will b less active - darker background:
losing activation bc less light hitting eyeballs, so less lateral inhibition
→ perceived as lighter in colour
what’s another example of lateral inhibition/opponent processes in visual system
Mach bands !
we (humans) can see between 400-700nm wavelengths… what do these signify (ultraviolet etc)
we can see colours between ultraviolet n infrared
what type of wavelengths r more damaging
shorter wavelengths w higher frequency (e.g. gamma ray, x-ray)
what is the opponent-process theory 4 colour perception
colour perception controlled by activity of 2 opponent systems (yellow-blue mechanism, red-green mechanism)
what colour cones r blue cones opposed 2
opposed 2 red + green (yellow)
→ attempts 2 inhibit yellow
→ blue colour after-image when u look @ smh yellow n vice versa
example of opponent processes in motivation
approach-avoidance conflict arises frm competition 2 pursue reward vs. 2 avoid harm
snakes, rats, + mice. what vision type do they have
most mammals have dichromatic vision.. what does this mean
seeing only blues n greens
humans, apes, + old world monkeys - what type vision do we have?
trichromatic - greens, blues, reds
how many photoreceptor types do birds, reptiles, + fish often have
how many colour receptors do mantis shrimp have
12 !! (8 in the visible spectrum, 4 in the UV)
approx. 5-10% of males + 0.1% females r which type of colour blind
most common type of colour-blindness ..? (1st and 2nd)
- weak in green vision (a.k.a. deuteranomaly)
- no red (protanopia)
how r images projected on2 the retina
images r projected inversely (upside down) on2 retina
when do on-centre, off-surround LGN cells fire
when light is shone right across centre of receptive field (if light shines on periphery, it inhibits activity of the cell)
wld on-centre, off-surround LGN cells fire if light bar was shining in2 centre AND surround
no, no change in firing
r simple V1 cells monoclular of binocular
can b either
what does a simple cell in V1 respond 2 best
- elongated bars or edges of objects (Not dots)
- orientation selective (e.g. cld be sensitive 2 diagonal light bars)
- have separate on + off subregions (matters where in visual field bar is presented)
V1 complex cells are..? and have..?
- orientation selective
- nearly all binocular
- have spatially homogeneous receptive fields (no on/off subregions)
columnar architecture of V1. describe this
as u move deeper in2 cortex, receptive fields + orientation preference of cells r maintained (orientation columns)
→ that is, all cells in one column as u go down might b receptive 4 same area, have preference 4 same orientation
s u go across V1 cortex (instead of deeper), what do u see?
see gradual change in spatial + orientation preference
remapping of retinal image onto cortical surface
which region of the eye uses more of V1
foveal region (greater magnification factor)
retinotopic mapping is an example of What type of organisation
–> that is, ordered representation of the sensory enviro where spatially adjacent regions (in the physical world) r represented in adjacent positions in the brain
(e.g., tones that r close in pitch r processed by close-2gether regions)
why does V1 use topography (overall + more specifically)
- clusters neurons w dense connectivity 2gether
–> reduces axon length
–> reduces axon volume (which brain volume is largely driven by)
–> allows for more space 4 neurons + conserves metabolic resources - facilitates lateral inhibition (if u have inhibitory cells spreading axons laterally 2 inhibit neighbouring cells, want them 2 not have 2 spread too far)
when pressure pulses r close together, is the sound frequency high or low
closer 2gether the pressure pulses r, higher the frequency measured in Hertz (Hz; 1 per second)
pressure pulses travel @ approx. 340 metres per second . T or F?
humans can hear 20-20,000 Hz. T or F?
how many HZ can chickens hear between
how many HZ can bats hear between
how many HZ can dogs hear between
how many HZ can cats hear between
age-related hearing loss - who is most vulnerable + what goes first
- women do a little better w/ hearing thru-out ages
- lose ability 2 pick up on highest frequencies first
2 types of hair cells in ear: inner and outer (describe each briefly)
- inner hair cells transmit mechanical disturbance of membrane in2 electrical signals sent 2 the brain
- outer hair cells receive info frm the brain
–> may contract w/ info, pulling tectorial n basilar membranes 2gether
–> get depolarised, meaning stronger signals sent 2 brain
transduction def
conversion of sound 2 an equivalent electrical waveform
pathway 2 auditory cortex
→ brainstem
→ midbrain (inferior colliculus)
→ medial geniculate nucleus (in thalamus)
→ auditory cortex
describe secondary auditory cortex (A2)
- important 4 sound localisation + analysis of complex sounds
- not necessarily tonotopically organised
why tonotopic organisation in A1?
- saves space + time (like retinotopic)
- allows sound 2 b encoded on the basis of time/frequency changes
–> e.g. wld want to be able to distinguish frm low tiger growl + high-pitched bird chirping - allows u 2 parse out certain frequency bands (scene analysis)
–> e.g. being able 2 clap on beat by dismissing irrelevant frequencies
what is the benefit of beat detection (that tonotopic organisation facilitates)
promotes social cohesion
how else is beat detected/ other frequencies weakened
some medial geniculate neurons respond 2 the low frequency components
–> modulate firing threshold in A1 according 2 the underlying rhythm
–> responses that occur out of beat r then weakened
abt 6% of input 2 visual cortex is top-down (most bottom-up). is this statement true?
well yes !
top-down influences on auditory processing
while A1 is larger in macaques than humans,, surrounding areas (belt/A2 + parable) in humans r abt 10x larger
so, most connectivity in2 human A1 is actually top-down (around 66% frm other cortical areas)
benefits of top-down influences on auditory processing
- allows context + procedural demands 2 bias perception (esp w similar frequency words)
- better predictive ability
Greater integration of multisensory input
egocentric space def
YOUR relation 2 stuff in space
describe where the dorsal vs. ventral stream r frm V1
dorsal = top of brain, like fin on shark; ventral = straight across
humans have face recognition cells. when can u see/examine them?
when ppl r under surgery….
Quiroga et al. (2005) - what did they find
- found ppl w cells responding 2 Jennifer Aniston - didn’t matter what angle face was presented, cells wld keep firing
- this was the 1st demonstration of face-selective cells in humans!!
Ppl tried 2 follow on frm Quiroga et al.’s study n find cells similar 2 Jennifer Aniston cells. They succeeded in finding Halle Berry cells. How do these work?
Halle Berry cells fire regardless of partial occlusion of face or using a drawing instead of photo, can put words ‘Halle Berry’ on screen + got neurons firing
not facial recognition, but cortical representation of the idea of Halle