Joints In The Skeleton Flashcards
Name the shoulder girdle movement?

What is the role of cartilage?
Cartilage is a dense, durable, tough fibrous connective tissue that is able to withstand compression forces e.g. jumping and running.
Name the ankle movement?

Name the spinal movement?

Lateral flexion
Name the joints that can perform depression?
Name the hip movement?

Name the hip movement?

Name the knee movement?

Name the ankle movement?

What are the short-term effects of exercise on the joints?
- Synovial fluid is released into the joint, reducing the risk of wear and tear.
- Warmer joints move more freely.
What is the role of ligaments?
Ligaments are made of tough, white, non-elastic, fibrous tissue which is strung together in a cord or strap-like formation to withstand a lot of tension.
What is a joint?
A structure in the human body at which two parts of the skeleton are fitted together.
Name the joints that can perform extension?
Shoulder, spinal, elbow, hip and knee.
Name the knee movement?

Name the hip movement?

External rotation
Name the shoulder girdle movement?

Name the joints that can perform flexion?
Shoulder, spinal, elbow, hip and knee.
What is synovial fluid?
Synovial fluid, is a viscous, non-Newtonian fluid found in the cavities of synovial joints. With its egg white–like consistency, the principal role of synovial fluid is to reduce friction between the articular cartilage of synovial joints during movement.
Name the joints that can perform adduction?
Shoulder and hip.
Name the joints that can perform dorsiflexion?..
Name the elbow movement?

Name the shoulder movement?

Give an example of a pivot joint?
The atlas C1 cervical vertebrae rotates around the axis of C2 cervical vertebrae.
In the forearms were the radius an ulna twist around each other.
State two characteristics of ligaments?
- Ligaments attach and connect bone to bone in all joints
- Enhance joint stability
- Guides joint motion and alignment
- Prevents excessive or unwanted motion in the joint.
Name the elbow movement?

Name the shoulder girdle movement?

Flexion and Retraction
Give an example of each joint classification?
- Fibrous joint - plates in the skull
- Cartilaginous joints - vertebrae
- Synovial joints - hip, knee, elbow, shoulder and wrist
Name the hip movement?

External rotation
Name the ankle movement?

Name the hip movement?

Name the hip movement?

Internal rotation
Name the shoulder movement?

Name the shoulder girdle movement?

Flexion and Protraction
Name the shoulder girdle movement?

Name the elbow movement?

Name the spinal movement?

Name the spinal movement?

Name the joints that can perform plantarflexion?
Name the shoulder girdle movement?

Name the ankle movement?

Name the joints that can perform abduction?
Shoulder and hip.
Name the shoulder movement?

Give an example of a ball and socket joint?
The shoulder and hip joint.
Name the three classifications of the jonits and describe their movement potential?
There are three types of joints classified according to their degree of movement.
- Fibrous joint - immovable with interlocking bones.
- Cartilaginous joints - slightly movable joints connected by cartilage.
- Synovial joints - are freely movable and the most common type of joint found in the body.
Give an example of a saddle joint?
The carpometacarpal joint (thumb).
Give an example of a gliding joint?
The acromio-clavicular joint (shoulder).
The mid-carpal and mid-tarsal joints of the wrist and ankle.
Name the spinal movement?

Name the joints that can perform elevation?
Name the joints that can perform rotation?
Spinal, shoulder and hip.
Give an example of a ellipsoid joint?
The metacarpo-phalangeal joints (knuckles).
Name the joints that can perform circumduction?
Circumduction can be best performed at ball and socket joints, such as the hip and shoulder, but may also be performed by other parts of the body such as fingers, hands, feet, and head.
Name the hip movement?

What are the long-term effects of exercise on the joints?
- Stronger ligaments
- Stranger tendons
- Healthier cartilage (nourished by synovial fluid)
- Improved joint mobility and reduced stiffness
Name the shoulder movement?

Internal and external rotation
Give an example of a hinge joint?
The knee and the elbow joint.
Name the shoulder movement?

What is the role of tendons?
Tendons attach muscle to the bone across the joint and transmit the force produced by the muscle.
Name the shoulder movement?

Name the hip movement?

Internal rotation
Name the elbow movement?

Name the elements in a synovial joint?
- Synovial fluid
- Synovial cavity
- Bursa
- Joint capsule and synovial lining
- Articular cartialage (hyaline)

Name the six types of synovial joints and examples of each?
- Ball and socket (shoulder)
- Hinge (knee)
- Pivot (C1 & C2 cervical vertebra))
- Saddle (thumb)
- Gliding (Ankle)
- Ellipsoid (Knuckles)