Joint Mobilization OP Flashcards
Knee Joint Distraction
Knee loose packed - at least 25 degrees flexion
kneeling at knee, both hands on distal tibia, pulling down to floor
Ankle Distraction
At edge of table, seated/supine one hand on neck of talus (ant hand) other on post. talus and calcaneous pulling talus distally , use weight to get traction If squeeze enough, traction is achieved
Femur Distraction
shoulder under knee, leg rests on shoulder,
hip joint 30 degrees of flexion/abduction slight external rotation
hands around proximal thigh at side of table, move femur from acetabulum at 90 degrees. use body weight
Knee Joint Ventral Glide
Hip and knee flexed, foot flat on table. hands on either side of patellar lig. and pull towards self
Knee Joint Dorsal Glide
Hip and knee flexed, foot flat on table. hands on either side of patellar lig. and push away from self
Knee Joint Rotation
Seated or Prone
knee bent, both hands on distal leg, proximal to malleoli, distract leg from thigh and apply grade 1 rotation medial and lateral.
Ankle Posterior Glide
foot off edge of table, ankle resting position (10 degres plantar flexion)
at side of table, grab distal leg and other hand just distal to malleoli (talus) and slide hand posterior
Ankle Anterior Glide
foot off edge of table, ankle resting position (10 degres plantar flexion)
at side of table, grab distal leg and other hand cups calcaneous.
forearm can direct foot in correct position
bring calcaneous/talus into ant. slide
Hip Joint Dorsal Glide ??
At side of table, facing hip, hip in slight flexion
Far hand supports distal thigh at medial side of knee,
close hand rests over ant. prox. thigh
Use body weight to pull prox thigh dorsally
Hip Joint Ventral Glide ??
At side of table, facing hip,
Hip Joint Long-Axis Traction
hip resting position (30 degrees flexion/abduction/slight External rotation)
Grasp distal thigh with both hands, pull down
Superior Tibiofibular Joint Dorsal /Ventral Glide
Straight leg
Using thumb and index/middle grip fibular head
Other hand passively dorsiflexes foot, feel for movement
Supine, hip and knee are flexed, foot flat on table
Sit on patients foot, one hand stabilizes tibial tuberosity
Other hand thumb on fibula, o rest of hand on gastrocs
use body to mobilize
Inferior Tibiofibular Joint Ventral Glide
Prone / Supine
Ankle to be treated on pillow
At foot of table, Hold on to Tibia, other hand at lateral malleolus, push away
Inferior Tibiofibular Joint Dorsal Glide
Ankle to be treated on pillow
At foot of table, Hold on to Tibia, other hand at lateral malleolus, bring towards
Subtalar Joint Distraction
Seated or Supine
Foot in resting position
Grip distal leg between thumb and index, other hand cups calcaneous
Mobilizing hand pulls calcaneous distally
Subtalar Joint Inversion/Eversion
Seated or Supine
Foot in resting position
Grip distal leg between thumb and index, other hand cups calcaneous
Mobilizing hand pulls calcaneous distally then rotates inversion/eversion with forearm on foot to stabilize
Patellofemoral Joint Glides (all)
Knee extended pillow beneath knee
using thumbs or thenar webspace to manupulate
Talonavicular Joint Dorsal/Plantar Glides
hands together over talus and navicular and move anterior and posterior
Cuneonavicular Joint Dorsal/Plantar Glide
Same I know this one but remember posterior and anterior, as well as eversion and inversion
Calcaneocuboid Joint Dorsal/Plantar Glide
One hand holds Calcaneous, the other thumb on bottom of cuboid(on meaty part of lateral foot), index on top and moves to midfoot eversion and inversion
Tarsometatarsal Joint Rotation
Facing side of foot, wrap thenar webspace around 3 cuneforms, and then same thing around metatarsals, hands tight together
move eversion and inversion
Tarsometatarsal Joint Dorsal/Plantar Glides
Facing side of foot, wrap thenar webspace around 3 cuneforms, and then same thing around metatarsals, hands tight together
move plantar and dorsal
Distal Intermetatarsal Joint Dorsal/Plantar Glides
Supine, Foot in neutral
grip the 2nd metatarsal, and then move 1st, 3rd,4th,5th, post. and ant.
MTP/ and IP Joint Distraction
Supine, Foot in neutral
grip the 2nd metatarsal, and then move 1st, 3rd,4th,5th, move distally
MTP and IP Joint Dorsal/Plantar Glides