Joint Classification And Skull Flashcards
Fibrous joints
Immovable or partially moveable
Sutures of the skull
Partially moveable
Vertebrae and some cranial sutures
Freely movable
Knee and finger joints
Little or no mobility
Fibrous jnt
Slight mobility
Cartilaginous joints
Freely movable
Synovial joints
Bones of fibrous jnts are held together by
Fibrous connective tissue
No cavity or space between the bones
3 types of fibrous jnts
Sutures are
Found only in the skull and possess short fibers of connective tissue that hold the skull bones tightly in place
Joints where the bones are connected by a band of connective tissue allowing for more mmt
Ex: tibia, fibula
Occur between teeth and their sockets
Bones of cartilaginous jnts are held together by
Cartilaginous jnts include
Synchondrosis and symphyses
Synchondrosis are
Bones joined by hyaline cartilage
Found in epiphyseal plates of growing bones in children
Symphyses are
Hyaline cartilage that covers the end of the bone but the connection occurs through fibrocartilage
Found at the jnts between vertebrae and pubic bones
Synovial joints are
The only jnts that have a space between them
The space is called the synovial cavity and filled with synovial fluid
Synovial fluid does what
Lubricates the jnt reducint friction between the bones and allowing for greater movement
The ends of bones are covered with articular cartilage called
Hyaline cartilage
The entire joint of a synovial jnt is surrounded by
An articular capsule composed of connective tissue
What joints are capable of the greatest movement?
A synovial joint
The more mobile the jnt the weaker the jnt
What are examples of synovial jnts?
Knees, elbows, shoulders
How many types of synovial jnts are there.
What are they
1) gliding jnts - plane jnt
2) condyloid jnt
3) saddle jnt
4) hinge jnt
5) ball and socket jnt
6) pivot jnt
The cranium is divided into two portions:
Neurocranium - surrounds the brain
Viscerocranium - face
What are the cranium bones formed from?
- neurocranium come from neural crest
- viscerocranium come from the pharyngeal arches
Cranium vs skull
Skull contains the mandible
Cranium does not
Neurocranium consists of how mnay bones
8 bones
Frontal, ethmoid, occipital,sphenoid, parietal, temportal, claveria, and cranial base
What bones make up the clavera (roof/skull cap)
Frontal, temporal, occipital bones
What bones make up the cranial base (floor)
Sphenoid, temporal, a small portion of the ethmoidal
What are considered pneumatized bones
Bones w/ air spaces
Decrease weight
The cranial base contains 3 different sections
1) anterior cranial fossa - shallowest
2) middle cranial fossa
3) posterior - deepest
Viscerocranium overlaps with
Viscerocranium makes up what?
The facial bones
Frontal, nasal, lacrimal, zygomatic, maxillary, ethmoid, inferior nasla conchae, palatine, vomer, mandible
What viscerocranium bones articulate with neruocranium bones to form structures?
Zygomatic arch, orbit, nasal cavity
What are cranial buttress?
Pillars formed by thickened cranial bones that allow forces to pass the orbits and nasal cavity
Bones are thinner in this area
What cranial buttresses are part of the viscerocranium
Zygomatic maxillary
What cranial buttresses are part of the masticatory plates
Vertical mandible
What cranial buttresses are part of the neurocranium
Articulations between mature cranial bones are called
Joints of the cranium major sutures
Coronal Saggital Lambdoidal Squamosal Metopic Basilar
Minor sutures are named for
The bones they connect
Minor sutures of the cranium include:
Zygomaticaltemporal Zygomaticalfrontal Zygomaticalmaxillary Sphenozygomatic Sphenofrontal Frontonasal Frontomaxillary Sphenoparietal Intermaxillary
Wormian bones are:
Intra sutural bones that are extra bone pieces that occur within a suture in the cranium
Where do wormian bones occur most frequently
In the lambdoidal suture
Pathologies associated with wormian bones:
Pycnodysostosis Osteogenesis imperfect - brittle bone Rickets - soft bones Menkes syndrome - brittle hair dz Cleidocranial dysostosis - facial and teeth bone deformation Hypothyroidism - dec metabolic function Hypophosphatasia - affects bone mineralization Down’s Syndrome - chromosomal disorder