Johnston: Laboratory Testing in Rheumatic Diseases Flashcards
Is there a single test that is diagnostic?
-use your H and P
Markers of Inflammation
- nonspecific
- ESR: higher in women, rises with age, monitor disease activity, especially PMR (polymylagia rheumatica) and GCA (giant cell arteritis)
- CRP: assessment of disease activity, made in liver, proinflammatory cytokines increase CRP, Can activate complement, promote phagocytosis, greater than 8 is inflammatory, rises and falls quicker than ESR
When immune complexes mediate consumption, what dereases?
Rheumatoid factor
- autoantibody that targets the Fc portion of IgG
- can be any Ig subclass, IgM most common
- RF is produced by B cells in synovial joints of RA pts
- Sensitivity for RA is 66% specificity is 82%
- present is 70-80% patients with RA; 100% in “nodular” RA
What other conditions do we find RF in?
- Sjogrens
- cryoglobulinemia
- primary biliary cirrhosis
- etc…
what does high levels of RF mean?
-associated aggressive disease, joint erosions, worse prognosis
do all people with RA have RF?
What is the other antibody in RA that is more reliable marker than RF?
- Antibodies to citruliinated proteins (anti CCP)
- more specific
- if both Anti CCP and RF are there, probably have RA
- associated wtiha ggresive, erosive disease
If someone has ANA, is it always lupus?
- no
- happens in normal people
pattern of IF with ANA associated with drug induced lupus?
-homogenous pattern
If there is a rim pattern of IF for ANA, what antibody is there?
-andi DS DNA
Which antibody is ONLY seen in lupus (SLE)?
-anti smith antibodies
Anticentromere antibody
-scleroderma (CREST syndrome)
Criteria for SLE
- Malar rash
- discoid rash
- photosensitivity: rash due to sunlight
- oral ulcers: nasopharyngeal ulcers… usually painless
- arthritis
- serositis
What are some hematologic signs of lupus
- hemolytic anemia with reticulocytosis
- leukopenis
- lymphopenia
- thrombocytopenia
What does positive ASO titer and anti DNAase B titers mean?
- preceding group A streptococcal infection
- often affects large joints and is asymmetric
if we had lupus, what lab test would we expect?
-CBC indicating hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, and false positive RPR
What lab tests would we expect for RA?
- positive anti CCP
- Elevated ESR
- elevated RF level
What is the wierd thing with a nodule that happens with RA
-it’s on their extensor surface of forearm
with joint fluid analysis, what are the values for cells we need to know?
- <200: normal
- 200-2000 mononeuclear: non inflammatory
- 2000-5000: inflammatory
Which joint becomes symptomatic in gout?
- 1st MTP
- that’s called podagra
What are tophi
-MSU crystals… nodular deposits of it in skin
what will gout present with?
-hot red swollen joint
What imaging modality is sensitive for soft tissue?
- Ultrasound
- no radiation
Will radiography always catch RA?
-no, especially early in the disease course
What patients do we have to watch out for if we are wanting to do an MRI?
- kindey patients
- gadolinium contrast taken up in inflammed synovium, IV gadolinium can cause nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) in pt with kidney disease
- good for spine, SI, synovitis, tenosynovitis
What is CT best for?
-bony abnormalities, erosions, fractures, degenerative or inflammatory arthritis
what is the difference between oligo, pauci, and poly arthritis?
- oligo: 3 or more
- Pauci: 5 or more
- Poly: >6
What hand joint is spared in RA?
- DIP!!!!!
- those Heberen’s nodes will be in osteoarthritis
difference between swan neck and boutonniere deformity?
- swan: the DIP is flexed
- boutonneire… it isnt
what diseases have arthritis with involvement of the bowel?
- UC, Crohns disease, and Behcet’s
- reactive arthritis…. with a bowel infection
What does nail clubbing mean?
- Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthritis
What is Charcot joint?
-diabetes, they have arthritis but they can’t feel it due to nerve damage
What does Cytoidbodies and vasulitis mean with arthritis having to do with ophthalmologic causes?
What will there be in diabetes?
- charcots
- cheiroarthropathy
What will there be in thyroid disorders arthritis?
-carpal/tarsal tunnel syndrome