Cox: Arthritis CIS Flashcards
What kind of nodes would we find in OA
- Herberden’s
- the ones in the DIPs
What would we find in the synovial fluid if there we had a gouty joint?
-Urate crystals
- morning joint stiffness, RF, Elevated ESR and CRP
- Antibody to CCP
- Lon standing RA may develop secondary OA
-Psoriatic Arthritis
-May taget 1 DIP, nail changes
Crystalline Arthritis
- Syovial fluid
- urate crystals, gout
- FE overload
- MCP, wrists
- Leukocytosis
- synovial or blood culture
- degenerative joint disease (DJD)
- Most common joint disease
- Characteristically non-inflammatory
- Lack of systemic symptoms
- pain releived by rest, if present- morning joint stiffness is brief
- Oligoarticular
- Generalized
- Aging phenomenon
OA/DJD characteristics
- Bony changes in joint shape
- crepitus
- malalignment/instability
- Limited ROM
- Joint line tenderness
- Cool effusions
- Spasm or atrophy of adjacent muscles
Which regions are commonly affected by OA?
- Cervical spine
- lumbar spine
- hip
- knee
- 1st MTP
What would a patient’s hip look like with OA on an xray?
-sclerosis of femoral head
OA radiographic findings
- joint space narrowing
- osteophytes and marginal lipping
- subchondral thickening
- bone cysts
- joint mice
do radiographic findings always directly correlate to degree of symptoms?
What causes the breakdown of cartilage in OA?
- Damage from physical forces
- so chondrocytes react and release degradative enzymes and there is an inadequate repair response
- drop-out, cartilage loss, bone changes, loose bodies (joint mice)
- Fundamental defective cartilage fails under normal joint loading
- Type 2 collagen gene defect
What is the new articular surface in OA?
- subchondral bone
- friction, bone eburnation
- sclerosis, small fracture, synovial fluid contating cyst
- altered bone contour, lipping
- osteophyte at margin as fibrocartilage and hyaline cartilage ossify
OA heredity
- risk of OA= sum of multiple genes
- genetically heterogeneous
- Heritable component…. particularly at hip
- generalized osteoarthritis characterized by osteophytes of the HIP (Heberden’s nodes) and PIP joints (bouchard’s nodes)
Primary OA
- Aging or idiopathic
- genetic: nodal OA
Secondary OA
-disorders that damage joint surfaces
OA characteristics
- Altered chondrocyte function
- loss of cartilage: thinning
- Subchondral bone thickening: sclerosis
- Remodeling of bone
- Marginal spurs: osteophytes
- Subchondral bone: cystic changes
- Mild reactive synovitis
Main distinguishing factors between OA and RA
- OA has:
- DIP and carpometacarpal joints affected
- heberden’s nodes
- hard and bony joints
- worse after effort
- not as much morning stiffness
- RF and Anti CCP negative
- Normal ESR and CRP
- Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)
- old ppl
- frequently but not always asymptomatic
- cervical spine=dysphagia
- Osteophytosis of spine… spans >3-4 segments
- Paraspinous ligaments= calcifications/ossification
- preservation of disc space
- some association with DM
What is the characteristic finding for hyperostosis
- flowing wax appearance on anterior vertebral bodies
- remember that the joint spaces are relatively normal
Management of OA
- no cure
- pain control
- minimize disability
- Improve quality of life
- education
- surgery
- nonpharmacologic: OMT to address compensatory changes, exercise, PT, OT, wt loss, acupuncture
What is the first pharmacologic action we would take in someone with OA?
What other pharm things could we do for an OA patient
- Acetaminophen
- Capsaicin
- Intraarticular glucocorticoids
If symptomatic relief is inadequate, what else should we consider?
- intraarticular hyaluronic acid
- platelet rich plasma
- glucosamine and chondroitin
- opioid analgesics