Joel pt 2 Flashcards
Part 2 theme
The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord
There will be a renewal of prophecy but a great and terrible day of the Lord will come when the __
sun will turn into darkness and the moon into blood
Only those who do what will be saved
Invoke the Name of the Lord
That nations are told to
prepare for battle
In an reversal of Isaiah’s oracle of peace - they are to
Beat their PLOWSHARES in to SWORDS
What the first part portrays in natural disaster caused by the
withdrawal of the divine presence (shekinah_
The Second part presents God’s ______ ____ in terms of active judgement against ________
supernatural presence, judgement against Israel’s enemies and active grace for his people.
The Book of Joel although brief, is profound. Both in its grasp of the relationship between __ and _______
historical events and the supra-historical expectation of the day of the Lord
Theological Themes of Joel
The plague in Ch. 1 functions as th e_____- the the Message of Redemption from Tragedy
Joel urges his listeners to
REPENT and RETURN to the Lord
Urges people to rend their “hearts and not their garments” because the Lord is
gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great compassion
Joel’s message moves from ___ & ____ to ______-
Destruction & Devastation to an idyllic recreation and renewal
Joel shows God as the _____
Great Warrior God
All the Nations of the Earth will be summed to justice at a great ____ to be held in the Valley of ____-
RIV in the Valley of Jehoshaphat
The Great Day of the Lord will be a day of ___ and _____
Accountability and Judgement
The Day of the Lord is to evoke ____- and a ______
T’Shuvah (conversion) and a greater devotion to the Lord
The Day of the Lord will prepare the way for the ___ age which will be an age of ___ and ___
Eschatological age which will be an age of BLESSING and SALVATION
I will pour my spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters will PROPHESY… this makes a holy nation. ____ makes the nation holy, not _____
God’s promises are based upon his commitment to the _______ _____ with his people
Covenant Relationship
God promises a full Covenant relationship - 5 points
- Spiritual
- Material
- God will remove enemies
- God’s Blessing - gifts of a Victorious King
- God is with his people
God Promises his people (5)
- Drive Northern Enemy Away
- Repay you
- Pour out my spirit
- Restore the fortunes
- Gather the nations
God’s deeds on behalf of Judah prove that
He is the Faithful God of the Covenant
The Spirit of God is his guarantee that ______ and that he will bring __
HE is Present in Israel’s suffering and that he will bring the promised restoration
That ____ will be a turning point in the covenant an fit will be an
Day of the Lord; Apocalypse of Retribution and of Salvation
Israel will become a holy nation because of the __ not the __
PROPHETS not Priests
Unlike 1st Isaiah Joel envisions
no Universal Sharing of God’s Gifts nor the assembling of all the nations at the Jerusalem Temple. No universal Peace and Oneness
Joel famously reverses Isaiah’s …
Joel: beat their PLOWSHARES into SWORDS
Isaiah: beat SWORDS into PLOWSHARES
Unlike Amos and the Pre-Exilic Prophets
Joel does not dwell on PAST or PRESENT SINS but rather on God’s commitment to hie covenantal promise to protect Israel from enemies.