Ezekiel pt. 2 Flashcards
Roughly ___ of the Bk. of Ezekiel is comprised of ______
Oracles of Divine Judgement
Chapter 1 is different. Why?
No mention of GOD”s Anger or Judah’s immanent doom.
What is unique and new in Ezekiel’s Vision?
His Steadfast and Systematic avoidance of any attempt to describe the PERSON of GOD
Ezekiel is a __ of Israel
Two main points of Ezekiel’s message
Redemption and Responsibly
If Ezekiel had only been commissioned to preach that Judah has simply worn out God’s patience with her sinfulness —
Ezekiel would have nothing more to say that the prophets of the 8th and 7th Centirues
Ezekiel’s response to the peoples doubts
- Both individuals and communities will be judges
- God desires REPENTANCE not annihilation
Ezekiel reverses the Mosaic Understanding of Justice
Does not believe in an “inherited guilt” (sins of the Father passed on to child) rather the Individuals role in attaining salvation
Zerah Aakodesh
The Holy Seed
Function of Ezekiel as Watchman
Responsible for communicating God’s words no matter what to the people
What is the disastrous news in Ez 33:21
The City has Fallen. Hope of returning or short exile is gone
Even in defeat and exile the survivors believed
that they would regain the Promised Land
Am Haretz
People of the Land
The fourth part of Ezekiel is found in chapters
Dry bones story is analogous to
bringing the people back from exile so that they may live
Ezekiel borrows elements from the ____ account in Gen ___ and well as the _____ account in Gen __
Priest Gen 1
Jahwistic Gen 2
The Creation Stories in Gen 1 & 2 presents Ezekiel’s understanding of
God’s deliverance of Israel from Exile AND RE-CREATION
God’s deliverance of Israel from Exile will be an act of ________________ on God’s part
totally underserved and unsolicited generosity and “hewed” (divine love”
Before the New Creation occurs there will be one last ___
The final battle is
Israel defining herself against a mortal enemy – against GOG from the LAND OF MAGAG
God is an archetype of what?
the standard opponent of YHWH
With the battle against Gog foretold, and the victory of God guaranteed, Ezekiel shifts to an ________ vision
In the New Creation, the Restored Temple will be the seat of the new _____ government and at the center will be the ______ line.
New Theocratic Government with the center being the Zadokite Line
Earlier prophets like Amos, 1st Is. and Jeremiah criticized and rejected the efficacy of the _________
Levitical Sacrificial System and Priesthood because it had become corrupt
Ezekiel takes a different approach, using the ______ priesthood, to use the cultic mosaic traditions
Ezekiel foresees the return of God’s _____ to the Temple
KAVOD = Glory Shekinah = Divine Indwelling
Once fully restored and recreated, Israel will enter into and dwell in that ___, ___ ___, which was intended by God from the Orginal creation
Idyllic and Edenic Existence
The Cycle of Salvation ______ –> _____ will be completed
Creation to Re-Creation