Job Analysis and Evaluation Flashcards
Job _____—gathering, analyzing, and structuring information about a job’s components, characteristics, and requirements.
Importance of _____
1) Writing Job Descriptions
2) Employee Selection
3) Training
4) Personpower Planning
5) Performance Appraisal
6) Job Classification
7) Job Evaluation
8) Job Design
9) Compliance with Legal Guidelines
10) Organizational Analysis
Job Analysis
One important but seldom employed use of job analysis is to determine worker mobility within an organization.
Many organizations have a policy of promoting the person who performs the best in the job immediately below the one in question. Although this approach has its advantages, it can result in the so-called Peter Principle: promoting employees until they eventually reach their highest level of incompetence.
Personpower Planning
The second is that the phrase “and _____ as assigned” should be included in the job description.
performs other job-related duties
A job _____ should contain the following eight sections: job title, brief summary, work activities, tools and equipment used, work context, performance standards, compensation information, and personal requirements.
In a _____ job analysis, a group of subject matter experts (e.g., employees, supervisors) meet to generate the tasks performed, the conditions under which they are performed, and the KSAOs needed to perform them.
In a _____ job analysis, the job analyst individually interviews/observes a number of incumbents out in the field.
A related decision addresses the issue of formal versus informal requirements. _____ requirements for a secretary might include typing letters or filing memos.
_____ requirements might involve making coffee or picking up the boss’s children from school.
Although there are many ways to conduct a job _____, the goal of most job _____ is to identify the tasks performed in a job, the conditions under which the tasks are performed, and the KSAOs needed to perform the tasks under the conditions identified.
Conducting a _____
Step 1: Identify Tasks Performed Step 2: Write Task Statements Step 3: Rate Task Statements Step 4: Determine Essential KSAOs Step 5: Selecting Tests to Tap KSAOs
Job Analysis
An excellent job analysis interview technique was developed by _____ and reported by Robinson. The basic steps for the _____ technique are:
- Convene a panel of experts that includes representatives from all levels of the organization.
- Have the panel identify the objectives and standards that are to be met by the ideal incumbent.
- Have the panel list the specific behaviors necessary for each objective or standard to be attained.
- Have the panel identify which of the behaviors from step 3 are “critical” to reaching the objective.
- Have the panel rank-order the objectives on the basis of importance.
Observations are useful job analysis methods, especially when used in conjunction with other methods such as interviews. During a job analysis observation, the job analyst observes incumbents performing their jobs in the work setting.
The advantage to this method is that it lets the job analyst actually see the worker do her job and thus obtain information that the worker may have forgotten to mention during the interview.
The method’s disadvantage is that it is very obtrusive: Observing someone without their knowing is difficult. There is seldom any place from which an analyst could observe without being seen by employees. This is a problem because once employees know they are being watched, their behavior changes, which keeps an analyst from obtaining an accurate picture of the way jobs are done.
Observing Incumbents
One can analyze a job by actually performing it. This technique, called _____, is especially effective because it is easier to understand every aspect of a job once you have done it yourself.
The technique is easily used when the analyst has previously performed the job. An excellent example would be a supervisor who has worked her way up through the ranks.
job participation
Once the task statements have been written (usually including some 200 tasks), the next step is to conduct a _____—using a group of SMEs to rate each task statement on the frequency and the importance or criticality of the task being performed.
task analysis
A _____ is a body of information needed to perform a task.
A _____ is the proficiency to perform a learned task.
An _____ is a basic capacity for performing a wide range of different tasks, acquiring a knowledge, or developing a skill.
Other _____ include such personal factors as personality, willingness, interest, and motivation and such tangible factors as licenses, degrees, and years of experience.
Currently, KSAOs are commonly referred to as competencies. In the old days, KSAOs were called _____
job specifications (job specs)
When competencies are tied to an organization’s strategic initiatives and plans rather than to specific tasks, the process is called _____ modeling
The _____ contains 194 items organized into six main dimensions: information input, mental processes, work output, relationships with other persons, job context, and other job-related variables such as work schedule, pay, and responsibility.
The _____ offers many advantages. It is inexpensive and takes relatively little time to use. It is one of the most standardized job analysis methods, has acceptable levels of reliability, and its results for a particular position can be compared through computer analysis with thousands of other positions.
Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
A revised version of the Position Analysis Questionnaire was developed by Patrick and Moore. The major changes in the revision, which is called the _____, include item content and style, new items to increase the discriminatory power of the intellectual and decision-making dimensions, and an emphasis on having a job analyst, rather than the incumbent, use the _____.
Job Structure Profile (JSP)
Another instrument designed as an alternative to the PAQ is the _____, developed by Cornelius and Hakel. The JEI contains 153 items and has a readability level appropriate for an employee with only a tenth-grade education.
Research comparing the _____ with the PAQ indicates that the scores from each method are very similar; thus, the JEI may be a better replacement for the difficult-to-read PAQ. But as mentioned with the JSP, much more research is needed before conclusions can be confidently drawn.
Job Elements Inventory (JEI)
_____ was designed by Fine as a quick method that could be used by the federal government to analyze and compare thousands of jobs.
Jobs analyzed by _____ are broken down into the percentage of time the incumbent spends on three functions: data (information and ideas), people (clients, customers, and coworkers), and things (machines, tools, and equipment).
An analyst is given 100 points to allot to the three functions. The points are usually assigned in multiples of 5, with each function receiving a minimum of 5 points. Once the points have been assigned, the highest level at which the job incumbent functions
Functional Job Analysis (FJA)
To take advantage of the PAQ’s strengths while avoiding some of its problems, Banks, Jackson, Stafford, and Warr developed the _____ for use in England.
The _____ consists of more than 400 questions covering five major categories: tools and equipment, perceptual and physical requirements, mathematical requirements, communication requirements, and decision making and responsibility. It is the only job analysis method containing a detailed section on tools and equipment
Job Components Inventory (JCI)
To obtain information about the work environment, a job analyst might use the _____, an acronym for _____, which means “ergonomic job analysis procedure.”
Developed in Germany by Rohmert and Landau, the AET is a 216-item.
AET (Arbeitswissenschaftliches Erhebungsverfahren zur Tatigkeitsanalyse)
The _____ is a national job analysis system created by the federal government to replace the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) which had been in use since the 1930s.
_____ is a major advancement in understanding the nature of work, in large part because its developers understood that jobs can be viewed at four levels: economic, organizational, occupational, and individual.
_____ includes information about the occupation (generalized work activities, work context, organizational context) and the worker characteristics (ability, work style, occupational values and interests, knowledge, skills, education) needed for success in the occupation.
The O*NET also includes information about such economic factors as labor demand, labor supply, salaries, and occupational trends.
Occupational Information NetworkOccupational Information Network (O*NET)
The _____ was developed and first used by John Flanagan and his students at the University of Pittsburgh in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
The _____ is used to discover actual incidents of job behavior that make the difference between a job’s successful or unsuccessful performance.
The _____ is an excellent addition to a job analysis because the actual critical incidents can be used for future activities such as performance appraisal and training
The _____ greatest drawback is that its emphasis on the difference between excellent and poor performance ignores routine duties. Thus, the CIT cannot be used as the sole method of job analysis.
Critical Incident Technique (CIT)
In addition to information about tools and equipment used on the job, which were discussed earlier, the _____ also provides information about the perceptual, physical, mathematical, communication, decision making, and responsibility skills needed to perform the job
Job Components Inventory (JCI)
An approach similar to the JCI is the _____, which was developed by Lopez, Kesselman, and Lopez. This method is available only by hiring a particular consulting firm, but its unique style makes it worthy of mentioning.
The _____ questionnaire’s 33 items identify the traits that are necessary for the successful performance of a job. The 33 items cover five trait categories: physical, mental, learned, motivational, and social.
The _____ greatest advantages are that it is short and reliable and can correctly identify important traits.
The _____ greatest disadvantage is that it is not available commercially. Because the _____ also focuses on traits, its main uses are in the development of an employee selection system or a career plan.
Threshold Traits Analysis (TTA)
Based on more than 30 years of research, the _____ requires incumbents or job analysts to view a series of abilities and to rate the level of ability needed to perform the job.
These ratings are performed for each of the 72 abilities and knowledge. The _____ is easy to use by incumbents or trained analysts, and is supported by years of research. Its advantages over TTA are that it is more detailed and is commercially available.
Fleishman Job Analysis Survey (F-JAS)
The Job Adaptability Inventory (JAI) is a _____-item inventory developed by Pulakos, Arad, Donovan, and Plamondon that taps the extent to which a job incumbent needs to adapt to situations on the job.
The _____ has eight dimensions:
- Handling emergencies or crisis situations
- Handling work stress
- Solving problems creatively
- Dealing with uncertain and unpredictable work situations
- Learning work tasks, technologies, and procedures
- Demonstrating interpersonal adaptability
- Demonstrating cultural adaptability
- Demonstrating physically oriented adaptability
Job Adaptability Inventory (JAI)
The _____ was developed by Raymark, Schmit, and Guion to identify the personality types needed to perform job-related tasks.
The PPRF consists of 107 items tapping 12 personality dimensions that fall under the “Big 5” personality dimensions (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability). Though more research is needed, the PPRF is reliable and shows promise as a useful job analysis instrument for identifying the personality traits necessary to perform a job.
Personality-Related Position Requirements Form (PPRF)
The PAQ is seen as the most standardized technique and the CIT the least standardized.
The CIT takes the least amount of job analyst training and task analysis the most.
The PAQ is the least costly method and the CIT the most.
The PAQ takes the least amount of time to complete and task analysis the most.
Task analysis has the highest-quality results and TTA the lowest.
Task analysis reports are the longest and job-elements reports the shortest.
The CIT has been rated the most useful and the PAQ the least.
_____ gives the best overall job picture and the PAQ the worst.
Task analysis
Once a job analysis has been completed and a thorough job description written, it is important to determine how much employees in a position should be paid. This process of determining a job’s worth is called _____. A job evaluation is typically done in two stages: determining internal pay equity and determining external pay equity.
job evaluation
_____ equity involves comparing jobs within an organization to ensure that the people in jobs worth the most money are paid accordingly. The difficulty in this process, of course, is determining the worth of each job
Internal pay
Determining _____ Equity
Step 1: Determining Compensable Job Factors
Step 2: Determining the Levels for Each Compensable Factor
Step 3: Determining the Factor Weights
Internal Pay
_____ trend lines are drawn based on the results of a regression formula in which salary is predicted by the number of job analysis points.
With _____ equity, the worth of a job is determined by comparing the job to the external market (other organizations). _____ equity is important if an organization is to attract and retain employees.
To determine _____ equity, organizations use salary surveys. Sent to other organizations, these surveys ask how much an organization pays its employees in various positions.
On the basis of the salary survey results, an organization can decide where it wants to be in relation to the compensation policies of other organizations (often called _____).
market position
We have earlier discussed the amount of money a job is worth: this amount is called _____.
direct compensation
_____ is an issue very much related to the discussion of job evaluation. _____ is often in the news because some groups claim that female workers are paid less than male workers.
That looks at pay rates of employees in jobs of similar worth and responsibility
Comparable worth