Employee Selection: Recruiting and Interviewing Flashcards
An important step in selecting employees is _____: attracting people with the right qualifications (as determined in the job analysis) to apply for the job.
_____ operate in one of two ways. They charge either the company or the applicant when the applicant takes the job. The amount charged usually ranges from 10% to 30% of the applicant’s first-year salary.
The disadvantage of _____ is that a company loses some control over its recruitment process and may end up with undesirable applicants
Employment agencies
_____, better known as “head hunters,” differ from employment agencies in several ways. First, the jobs they represent tend to be higher-paying, non–entry-level positions such as executives, engineers, and computer programmers. Second, reputable _____ always charge their fees to organizations rather than to applicants. Third, fees charged by _____ tend to be about 30% of the applicant’s first-year salary.
Executive search firms
In a survey of 450 HR professionals, _____ were rated as the most effective recruitment method. Some organizations are so convinced of the attractiveness of this method that they provide financial incentives to employees who recommend applicants who are hired.
employee referrals
_____ involves giving an applicant an honest assessment of a job. For example, instead of telling the applicant how much fun she will have working on the assembly line, the recruiter honestly tells her that although the pay is well above average, the work is often boring and there is little chance for advancement.
Informed applicants will tend to stay on the job longer than applicants who did not understand the nature of the job.
Realistic job preview (RJP)
A variation of the RJP is a technique called an _____. Unlike an RJP, which focuses on a particular job, an ELP lowers an applicant’s expectations about work and expectations in general.
expectation-lowering procedure (ELP)
A _____ selection test is one that is based on a job analysis (content validity), predicts work-related behavior (criterion validity), and measures the construct it purports to measure (construct validity).
Undoubtedly, the most commonly used method to select employees is the employment _____.
Perhaps a good place to start a discussion on interviews is to define the various types. Interviews vary on three main factors: _____.
structure, style, and medium.
The _____ of an interview is determined by the source of the questions, the extent to which all applicants are asked the same questions, and the _____ of the system used to score the answers.
The _____ of an interview is determined by the number of interviewees and number of interviewers.
Interviews also differ in the extent to which they are done in person.
From a legal standpoint, _____ interviews are viewed more favorably by the courts than are un_____ interviews.
There are two probable reasons for this. One, _____ interviews are based on a job analysis. Two, _____interviews result in substantially lower adverse impact than do un_____ interviews.
In addition to not being job-related unstructured interviews, many questions asked by interviewers are _____ (e.g., “Are you married?” or “Do you have any health problems?”). Interestingly, most interviewers who ask _____
questions know that they are _____.
The research on the importance of primacy effects or “first impressions” in the interview is mixed. Some research indicates that information presented prior to the interview or early in the interview carries more weight than does information presented later in the interview.
Primacy Effects
Negative information apparently weighs more heavily than positive information.
Negative-Information Bias
Past-focused questions, sometimes referred to as _____, differ from situational interview questions by focusing on previous behavior rather than future intended behavior. That is, applicants are asked to provide specific examples of how they demonstrated job-related skills in previous jobs.
patterned behavior description interviews (PBDIs)
_____ résumés list previous jobs in order from the most to the least recent. This type of résumé is useful for applicants whose previous jobs were related to their future plans and whose work histories do not contain gaps.
The _____ résumé organizes jobs based on the skills required to perform them rather than the order in which they were worked. _____ résumés are especially useful for applicants who are either changing careers or have gaps in their work histories. The problem with this type of résumé is that it takes employers longer to read and comprehend than the other résumé types—this problem makes _____ résumés the least popular with employers
The _____ résumé is the style I prefer, as it contains the strengths of both the chronological and functional styles and is based on sound _____ theory and research. The résumé should begin with a short summary of your strengths. This section takes advantage of the impression-formation principles of priming (preparing the reader for what is to come), primacy (early impressions are most important), and short-term memory limits (the list should not be longer than seven items).
Of the many positive activities and accomplishments that you could list, list only your best. Do not list everything you have done; research by Spock and Stevens found that it is better to list a few great things, rather than a few great things and many good things.
This finding is based on _____ averaging versus adding model of impression formation, which implies that activity quality is more important than quantity. It is neither necessary nor desirable to list all of your coursework.