JMS Flashcards
What is the management of acute single episodes of headache
For suspected, Meningitis, encephalopathy, etc..
Urgent CT. If CT negative Lumbar puncture indicated
What are the types of situation syncopes?
Effort syncope
Cough syncope
Miturition syncope
Does tension headache usually present as a unilateral or bilateral episode
What does this describe
Sever pain on one side of face. Involves pain in eye (bloodshot), swelling of eyelid and face
Occurs 1-2 a day for a certain amount of time then stops..could start again months/ years later
Cluster Headache
`What is the treatment for cluster headaches
Oxygen- non-rebreather mask
In headache what does medication such as paracetamol+ codine cause
Analgesic rebound headaches- can treat with NSAIDs instead
What are the triggering factors for migrane in some individuals?
CHOCOLATE Hangover Orgasm Cheese Oral contraceptive pill Lie ins Alcohol Tulmut Exercise
What does a Weber’s test tell you
If the sound localises to 1 side then there is a conductive loss on that side or it could be contralateral side senorineural loss
Need to do the Rhine test to distinguish
What is a positive Rhine’s test?
When sound is heard loudest in Air conduction than bone conduction- Normal/ SNHL
What is a negative Rhine’s test?
When sound is heard loudest in bone conduction (Mastoid process) than Air conduction - Conductive deafness
What type of hearing loss does tympanosclerosis cause?
Conductive hearing Loss
The calcification of the tympanic membrane causes decreased mobility of the membrane