Jewish ethics and the environment Flashcards
How do The Creation narratives in the Torah promote Jewish adherents to care for the environment?
The Creation narratives in the Torah provides a strong rationale for Jewish environmental ethics. The Torah reveals that G-d is the creator, that all in existence comes from G-d and that humans should act as caretakers or stewards. They have been given special trust by God to care for the planet. The idea of taking care of a resource for its owner and handing it on safely is called stewardship.
How does respect for the sanctity of human life inform Jewish responses to environmental issues?
Human dignity entails responsible action as a good caretaker. The understanding that all share in this dignity means the environment should be maintained so that everyone’s rights are upheld.
How does Shabbat inform Jewish responses to environmental issues?
Shabbat is a day of rest for both humans and animals. On this day, adherents of Judaism are in harmony with the created world and should neither create nor destroy.
How does Tikkun olam inform Jewish responses to environmental issues?
Tikkun olam means ‘repair the world’ and is based on the idea that G-d created the earth but it is the responsibility of humans to improve it and work towards maintaining its goodness, beauty and connectedness. Performing the mitzvot is seen as a means of tikkun olam.
How does pikyach nefash inform Jewish responses to environmental issues?
Pikuach nefesh reflects the value of human life in Judaism as each person is considered to be a unique, irreplaceable creation of God, endowed with infinite worth. The principle has been taken up by Jewish environmental activists who say that, because the climate crisis is endangering and destroying lives, pikuach nefash means that people must act to prevent these deadly impacts of climate change.
How does Gemilut chasadim and tzedek inform Jewish responses to environmental issues?
Deeds of loving kindness you can do for people of the future.
The concept of intergenerational justice means that each of us has moral obligations to the people who will live on earth after us.