Jaundice In Pregnancy Flashcards
What are the causes of jaundice in pregnancy?
Obstetric cholestasis Acute fatty liver disease of pregnancy Viral hepatitis Jaundice of severe pre-eclampsia HELLP syndrome
What are the tests that need to be done to investigate jaundice?
Urine tests for bile Serology LFTs USS Bile acids
How does obstetric cholestasis present?
Pruritis especially of the palms and the soles
No rash and worse at night
Typically in the second half of pregnancy
How is obstetric cholestasis diagnosed?
Diagnosis of exclusion - check for viral hepatitis, autoimmune screen and USS liver
Liver transaminases, bilirubin and bile acids elevated
What are the risks with obstetric cholestasis?
Foetal distress
Preterm labour
What is the management for obstetric cholestasis?
IOL at 37-38 weeks
Vitamin K to the mother if abnormal clotting and IM to the baby at birth
Ursodeoxycholic acid to reduce pruritis and abnormal LFTs
Symptoms resolve within days of delivery
Can obstetric cholestasis recur after delivery?
On oestrogen-containing contraceptives or in subsequent pregnancies.
What is the presentation of acute fatty liver disease of pregnancy?
Abdominal pain Jaundice Headache Vomiting Thrombocytopenia Pancreatitis Associated preeclampsia in 30-60% Usually occurs after 30 weeks
What is the management of acute fatty liver disease of pregnancy?
Manage in HDU or ITU
Monitor BP
Give supportive treatment for liver and renal failure
Treat hypoglycaemia vigorously with a CVP line
Correct clotting disorders
Expedite delivery
Epidural and regional anaesthesia - contraindicated
Beware PPH and neonatal hypoglycaemia