James Joyce Dubliners Flashcards
‘every evening after school we met…and arranged Indian battles’ [An Encounter]
East/West divide
Education vs real life experience
Colonialisation as ‘battles’
‘the adventures relatied in the literature fo teh Wild West were remote from my nature but, at least, they opened doors of escape’ {An Encounter]
‘real adventures do not happen to poeple who remain at home: they must be sought abroad’ [An Encounter]
‘Gallacher was only patronising him….as he was patronising Ireland by his visit’ {A Little Cloud]
‘Patronising’ points to not just mocking, but being in a superior status in general - i.e., as a patron; the colonial English powers as dominant over the Irish (to the extent that they reinvented the traditional Irish capitalist farming model etc)
“our country has no tradition which does it so much honour…as hospitality…a princely failing….still alive among us” [The Dead]
“Sometimes I fear that htis new generation, educated or hypereducated….will lack those qualities of hospitality” [The Dead]
Revolution, modernity, multiculturalism
;every night….I said softly to myself the word paralysis….it filled me with fear, and let I longer to be nearer to it’ [The Sisters - p1 of first book]
Importance of location at the very start - opens with paralysis
comparable to the desire for stasis in art in POTA
‘the thought that a poetic moment had touched him took life within him like an infant hope…it was a pity his name was not mroe Irish-looking. Perhaps it would be bettter to insert his mother’s name’ [A Little Cloud]
Naming, nationality
Childhood and writing interlinekd! ‘infant hope’
[of the hope to write] ‘he persued his revery so ardently that he passed his street’ [A Little Cloud[
Missing the street reminds him of the physciality of his location - in Ireland - as opposed to his dream of escaping and writing for an international audience
entrapped in ireland
‘He heard the strange impersonal voice he recognised as his own….we cannot give ourselves, it said: we are our own’ [A Painful Case]
impersonality - like art?
;he felt how useless it was to struggle against fortune, this beign the burden of wisdom which age had bequeathed to him’ [A little Cloud]
Age as not being able to struggle - importance of infancy for creativity?