James - Foreign Policy Flashcards
What was James primary foreign policy aim?
To have peace with Spain.
When was the Treaty of London?
What was the situation like with Spain under Elizabeth?
Elizabeth was at war with Spain.
When was the Spanish Armada?
What happened to English soldiers supporting the Dutch in the Treaty of London?
The Soldiers were transferred into Dutch regiments.
What happened to trade after the Treaty of London?
- Trade increased.
* Trade was maintained with the Low Countries.
Who opposed Peace with Spain?
- Privateers, as they stole treasure from the Spanish during the war.
- People who hated Catholics.
Who was King of Spain?
Philip II
What did James do about the Dutch Rebels?
1) He wanted loans from Elizabeth (£500,000) repaid.
2) Offered Diplomatic Support.
What Truce did the Dutch agree with Spain?
They agreed to a 12 year truce with Spain in 1609.
Why did Henry make ties with German Protestants?
He was concerned about Spanish troops in the Netherlands, and wanted to ‘trap’ the Spanish between a combined protestant force.
What was James Internationally known for?
His mediating and conflict resolution skills.
What conflict did James settle in 1613?
The war between Sweden and Denmark.
What was the complex dispute James settled in 1614?
The Jülich-Cleves dispute.
Who did James Daughter, Elizabeth Marry?
Frederick V Elector of the Palatinate
Why was the Elizabeth-Frederick Marriage well received by Parliament?
Parliament Viewed this as James being a Strong Protestant leader.
Why was a Marriage between France and Spain Problematic?
It was viewed as a build up of Catholic power in Europe, and caused James to be concerned. This meant a Protestant response was needed to maintain Power Balance.
When did James first decide on pursuing the Spanish Match?
What was the Purpose of the Spanish Match?
To Build a better relationship with Spain by marrying Charles to the Spanish Infanta Maria.
When did the Spanish Ambassador arrive in James Court?
Who was the Spanish Ambassador?
Don Diego Sarmiento de Acuna.
What was the Spanish Ambassador also called?
Count Gondomar. (From 1617)
Who was the Spanish Match Favoured by?
The Howards, who were Catholic sympathisers.
How much was the Dowry from the Spanish Match worth?
When did the 30 years war start?
Why did the 30 years war start?
When the Protestant nobility of Bohemia revolted against their new King, Archduke Ferdinand.
To which family did Archduke Ferdinand belong?
The Habsburg family. (Catholic)
Who did the Protestant Nobility offer the Kingship of Bohemia to in 1619?
Frederick, who was James Son in Law, and an important protestant.
What happened to Ferdinand in 1619?
He was elected Holy Roman Emperor, and invaded Bohemia.
At what battle were Protestant forces in Bohemia Defeated?
The Battle of White Mountain.
Where were Fredericks Hereditary lands?
The Palatinate.
Who invaded the Palatinate?
The Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs.
When did Frederick and Elizabeth abdicate?
Where did Frederick and Elizabeth abdicate to?
The Hague
Why did Spain invade the Palatinate?
To keep the Spanish Road open.
What peace treaty ended in 1621?
The 12 year truce between Spain and The Netherlands.
Why was resolving the situation in the Palatinate important for James?
- He had family ties.
* Stand up for the Protestants.
How did the Public view Frederick and Lizzie?
As Protestant Martyrs.
How did James intend on Retaking the Palatinate?
He intended on using the Spanish Match to create a diplomatic solution, as he could pressure the Spanish in giving back the Palatinate.
What was happening in France by the 1620’s?
It was in a state of civil unrest following the assassination of Henry.
When did new negotiations over the Spanish Match start again?
What did Parliament say about the marriage?
They believed Charles should marry “One of his own religion”, but Charles resented their involvement.
What did Charles do to interfere with the Spanish Match negotiations?
Charles and George Villers travelled secretly to Spain, which causes suspicion and caused Spain to suspected Charles was really a Catholic, this caused them to push for further concessions.
Who was the Spanish Chief Minster?
The Count of Olivares.
What was the Count of Olivares view on the Spanish Match?
He opposed it, as he could not see any benefit for Spain.
What was the Infantas position on the marriage?
She did not want to Marry, and the king was not willing to force her into the marriage.
What did Charles return home from Spain intent on?
He returned with Buckingham, and both were intent on war.
What did James agree to do about the Palatinate before his Death?
He agreed for a Limited expedition, to regain control.
What happened to most of the English troops in 1625?
They died from the Plague and many didn’t get further than the Dutch Port of Flushing.
How did Circumstances cause difficulties in the 1621 Parliament?
There was a serious trade depression from 1620 as imports of cloth fell, this caused harvest failure and increased unemployment.
How did monopolies causes issues in the 1621 Parliament?
James granted more monopolies and caused increases of prices in difficult times, this was unpopular and caused James to cancel monopolies as concessions.
How did Factions cause problems in the 1621 Parliament?
Edward Coke and Cranfield used impeachment to remove their rival, Francis Bacon. This displayed divisions within the privy council.
How did Money cause problems in the 1621 Parliament?
James made it clear that £1,000,000 would be needed to send an army to Europe, Parliament granted two subsidies but they were valued by Neighbours so has reduced income.
How did Recusants cause issues in the 1621 Parliament?
Parliament wanted stronger Punishments but James did not want it to disrupt his peace negotiations with Spain.
What circumstances caused difficulties in the 1624 Parliament?
Charles and Buckingham travelled to Spain, which caused people to be more fearful of Catholicism.
What happened with Monopolies in the 1624 Parliament?
Greveinces continued and Parliament passed legislation which banned monopolies from being granted to individuals but companies could still receive them.
What happened with Factions in the 1624 Parliament?
Divisions in James court were between people who Supported James and those who Supported Charles.
What happened in the 1624 Parliament about Money?
James was unwilling to declare war until he had sufficient funding from Parliament. He wanted 6 Subsidies to be collected, to raise £780,000.