Jainism Flashcards
what is the basic world-view of Jainism?
Derived from Hinduism it is about karma and cyclical time but Jainism rejects the Vedas and Caste system
what word is Jainism derived from
Jinas, jinas are spiritual victors, human born onto the earth to correct things when the world is going downhill or worsening
who was the first Jina
Rishabh deva, he introduced marriage, family, agriculture, asceticism, math to the world
another word given to Jinas
Tirthankaras, meaning “bridge-maker” bridge to enlightenment between light and death
who was the last Jina
what is the life of Mahavira
Born to a king &
queen in the foothills of India. The queen gives birth to Mahavira after a series of dreams and raises him
in a life of luxury. Living Hindu lifestyle, he thought there must be something more than palace life, so he leaves home to be a wandering monk and practices extreme asceticism by fasting from
food and sleep and other necessities. He went naked at all times in all weather, and plucked out all his hair (some jains
still do this)
what was Mahavira in a previous birth
a lion
who shares a similar story to Mahavira?
-Buddhism, also born to a king, born from miraculous dreams, both escaped the palace to practice asceticism. Some speculate Mahavira and Siddhartha are the same person interpreted differently.
did Mahavira achieve moksha
yes after 12 years
the fundamental beliefs of Mahavira
triloka system, karma, moksha, self-reliance, subjective knowledge
what is the triloka system
three realms one might be born into through samsara/reincarnation. karma indictates which realm you’ll be born into
what symbol do the jains use and why
The Swastika, has 4 dots meaning -4 forms you can be born into (human, god, animal, demon)
-4 different types of Jains (monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen)
-means good luck and fortune
what makes Jainism Karma diff then buddhist or hindus?
-intentional and unintentional acts cause karma
karma is a piece of matter that clings to your soul like a speck of dust
jiva and ajiva means?
jiva means soul and it is weighted down by karmic dust. Ajiva is the world. Karmic dust binds jiva to Ajiva
what is the goal of jainism
is to erase the karmic dust so the soul can rise above this world (jiva can rise above ajiva)
analogy of the blind men and elephant
An elephant enters a village and 6 blind men want to know what it is, but they all feel different body
parts. The first man feels the tusk and says it is like a sword. The second man feels the trunk and says no its like a giant snake. The third man feels the ear and says no it’s a giant sail. The 4 th man feels the leg and says it’s a tree. The 5 th man feels the backside and says it’s a giant wall. The 6 th feels the tail and says they’re all wrong and it is a fly swatter. A 7 th man who is not blind stands back and says they are all partially correct, but he can see the whole picture. According to Jainism, most of us are like the 6 blind men and we can only see glimpses of moksha. The 7 th man who can see the whole picture is someone who has achieved moksha already.
As such, traditional
Jainism is akin to what form of Buddhism?
-Teravada Buddhism (only way to achieve moksha is through efforts)
modern jains dont believe this though because of Jinas can erase bad karma and aid moksha
an important jain to whom many show reverence and devotion to is?
who is the son of Jina Rishivaveva who gave up his goal for the title to his brother and become a renunciate. he practiced extreme asceticism
how do jains show reverence to Bahubali?
Jains make pilgrimage to these statues and bring flowers , pour perfumes and colors
what place can jains devote themselves to heavenly figures?
Ranakpur Temple in India
five mahavratas
ahimsa, truthfulness, non-stealing, sexual purity and aparigraha
means non-violence, and the symbol if a hand represents to think about how your actions affect others before you do them
ahimsa influence Gandhi by?
because Ghandi believed all religions led to the same divine force. he was drawn to Jainism with non-violence towards humans and animals, bit not when it came to microscopic beings
how does ahimsa relate to animals
Many Jains are strict vegetarians