Jackson and Van Buren Flashcards
Jackson Gets Started
Retire the national debt. Hamilton wanted the debt, Jefferson wanted to get rid of it. Doesn’t like the idea of owing money. Proper regard for states rights. Just policy towards the natives. Spoils system. only 9%.
Webster-Hayne Debate 1830
New England doesn’t like moving population to the west, since they lose their power. They try to curb the sale of western lands with this law. South joins in with this, so if they support the new Englanders, then they’ll help them with the tariff of abominations. Robert Hayne argues nullification is the only way to save the nation. Webster can’t allow that, rope of sand. Need to keep the union together.
jackson and Nullification crisis
South Carolina and the Tariff of 1828
Consumers and producers are hurt, paying higher prices, and producers can’t get their goods sold to Europe. National intervention governemnt, fearful of slavery being removed. Aggressive tariff=aggressive gov. on slavery. Denmark Vesey was a carpenter and leader in community and preacher, and 1822, convicted of the leader of the Rising, a slave uprising in SC. Lower tariff of 1932, trying to address tariff of 28, but doesn’t really do much.
South Carolina ordinance passed
Tariff is nullified
SC decides that they won’t pay the tax, and bring up their militia. Jackson doesn’t take this and puts their militia down, unlike JQA with Georgia. This along with the petty eaton affair allows John C Calhoun to debate nullification. Tensions between feds. and sc.
Clay’s Compromise Missouri Compromise of 1820/Tariff compromise
Tariff reduced to 1816 levels, the first protective tariff part of his American system. Over the next ten years, you reduce the levels of the tariff. Compromise is that SC gets a reduced tax immediately. Calhoun sees this as a prayloot to the civil war.
The battle of the bank 1832
Clay sees the bank as a nowin situation with Jackson. Bank in 1816 is supposed to be chartered for 20 years, supposed to expire in 1836, so we have four years. calhoun proposes to extend the charter, but Jackson declines it an gets even more support.
Jackson Vetoes the bank
Controlled by the money aristocracy. Controlled congressmen through loans. control the press. British foreign investors, wasn’t democratic that it was so influential. Expands his power of presidency, for personal ideology, not constitutionality. Financial decline is imminent.
Jackson and Indians
“Just policy”
Wants to move them west to protect their culture. Indian removal act of 1830. Making the land available for more western settlement up to the mississippi river. Act asks congress to supply the funds to remove indians east of the mississippi to the west
White expansion
Developed around native tribes. Cherokee has adopted some parts of white culture. Developed a constitution, written language, some are cash crop farmers, and owned slaves. Five civillized tribes. Cherokee territory, found gold. Invaded the land, and creates the Cherokee nation v Georiga to stop the prospectors form coming into their nation. John Marshall decrees they have an unquestionable right to their land. Jackson refuses to enforce this decision. Samuel Worcester argues that the federal governemnt is in charge of indian matters. Deserve to be protected by the gov.
Trail of Tears 1838-39
Natives are pushed out, cherokee forced to leave their land and into oklahoma, Upwards od 2,000 of 15 thousand die.
Seminoles and Souix.
Seminoles in florida, under osceola. move from the evreglades and attack. upwards of 1500 us casualties. Souix try to take back their land in illinois, and milita pushes the revolt back.
Election of 32
First third party
Anti-masons, regional appeal in New York suspicious `of secret societies of elitists, don’t like Jackson. Platforms/stated list of beliefs their voting on. National nominating conventions.
Withdrawl federal dposits in 1833
Doesn’t want it to even be renuwed in 36. Puts all the money into state banks to insure that it won’t be around. Print notes, more loans, lend more money to land speculators.
Distribution of 1836
If the gov. takes too much money, then thye have a surplus to give back to the states. All this money is now loaned out, so the state banks have to pay back the states, but all the mone is loaned out. HTey can’t pay it, and people are getting foreclosed.
Specie Circular 1836
All federal land purchases have to be with hard currency. Land speculation creates panic of 37. Caused by jackson’s anti-bank. Van Buren is blamed.
Whig Party is born 1836
National Republicans–> Anti-mason–> Whig Party.Anti-jackons groups forming together. Americans System supporters, Bank supporters, internal improvemnets, and tariffs. Southern Aristocrats. Westerners want internal improvemnets, anti0mason, it is multi-sectional population. Van buren is endorsed by Jackson.
Vab Buren’s Divorce bill
Wants to separate government money from banks. Creates independent treasury, government recieved s their revenue. To safe guard the monny from losing it, the oney is now not circulating, that you can’t loan out. Peeconomy is hurt.